News & Events

Sadbhavana Day

Sadbhavana day was organized at RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, through National Service Scheme Unit on 20 -08 – 2020.

Sadbhavana literally means “Good Feelings” or “Good Will”. The main theme of Sadbhavana is to promote good will, national integrity and communal harmony among the people of India irrespective of caste, creed and religion. The theme is promoted by taking “Sadbhavana Day Pledge”.


“I take this solemn pledge that I will work for the emotional oneness and harmony of all the people of India regardless of caste, Creed, religion, region or language. I further pledge that I shall resolve all differences among us through dialogue and constitutional means without resorting to violence”.

Principal, All Dept. HODs, Faculty, Students and NSS Volunteers Participated in this Event.

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