News & Events


Alumni Meet Proceedings Held on 26.01.2016

The fifth Annual Alumni meet “SAMANVAYA-16” of RRCE Alumni Association was held at RajaRajeswari College of Engineering conference hall, on 26th JAN 2016. Alumni Association Coordinator Prof.Bhuvaneshwari invited all the alumni’s and deligates for the meet.

As dignitaries Dr. Balakrishna, Principal RRCE, Mr. Rahul, Alumni association member, HOD’s of all departments had participated and shared their views in the meet.

Few Alumni’s spoke and expressed that they felt proud about seeing the growth of RRCE in academics infrastructure and placement they also requested for more knowledge on practical concepts which they promised to join their hands with college through alumni association for betterment of the students.

The third edition of newsletter in the name of SAMANVAYA-16 was released by the dignitaries. Alumni association election was conducted to select PRESIDENT and MR. MADHU K N was selected for the post rest for the post of Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, and Treasurer Mr. Parveen. M K, Samantha Kumar N, Akshar. K V, Pavan Kumar K R was selected respectively. Lavish Lunch was arranged for all the alumni’s participated.

Prof. Pavan Kumar KR
Head, Alumni
association RRCE

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