News & Events


Alumni Meet Proceedings Held on 26.01.2018.

About the Programme:

Seventh Alumni meet was held on 26th January 2018, headed by Dr. Balakrishna, Dean Alumni association, and Mr. Pavan Kumar K R, Dept. of EEE and member coordinators from all the departments. The function went on with great enthusiasm and spirit. The Alumni’s shared their views and gave few suggestion for the next meet.

The vice President of Alumni association addressed the gathering and motivated alumni in the field of designing and also shed the light on the requirement of design engineers. Later “SAMANVAYA” newsletter edition was released by our dignitaries. This news letter will tell the voice of alumni and other activities held, to be held in RRCE.

The function was grazed by 136 alumni’s and each one of them was felicitated with mementos. After the program there was refreshments and different events were conducted where all alumni’s enjoyed the sessions.