News & Events

SCR Activity of Plantation – 2024

Title: Plantation
Date of the event: 5th Jan 2024
Event Duration : 2:00pm
Venue : RRCE campus
Organizer: Dr. RAJESH K.S HOD (AIML)
Target Participants: AI&ML 2nd year (63 students)
Resource Person : HOD and Teaching faculty of AI & ML Department
Faculty Co-ordinators: Prof. Rashmi N K
Target Participants: 63 students (5th to 10th standard)
Overview of the Event:
The department Hod leaded the group of students to the playing arena which consists of different plants on the sides. In addition to all those plants the students were given an activity to plant a few saplings. Since most of the students did not know the initial steps of digging out the mud and stuff like that, they asked help from the workers who take care of those plants by asking them to demonstrate how it was done. The students then tried their best and worked together by splitting the work among them and planted the saplings which they had bought. After the plantation everyone watered the plants and looked joyful as ever since they were looking forward for those tiny plants to grow into a huge and healthy tree inside the college campus.
Outcome of the program:
After everything was done, the students were educated briefly about why it was necessary to plant trees in our environment and all of them took photos with the planted saplings for educational purposes.
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