News & Events

Seminar on Universal Ethics

Event : Seminar on Universal Ethics
ResourcePerson : Geshe Tenzin Celon, Lecturer and Speaker The Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education
DateoftheEvent : 11th June 2024
FacultyCoordinators : Rashmi B.R. Assistant Professor Department of CSE RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bengaluru 560074 Sunil A Assistant Professor Department of CSE RajaRajeswari College of Engineering Bengaluru 560074 Josna O Assistant Professor Department of CSE RajaRajeswari College of Engineering
Bengaluru 560074
Students attended : 4th Semester of Computer Science & Engineering
Venue : Dennis Richie Seminar Hall
Outcome of the programme:
Students Gained Information About The Following:

  • Religious harmony
  • Compassion
  • Kindness.
  • Science with religion
  • Need of universal human values in curriculum.

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