News & Events

Technical Talk on Industry Institute Interaction

Company Name : Nebula3D Services Pvt.Ltd., Bangalore

Resource Person : Mr.Gururaj R, CEO

Date : 23rd February 2018

Venue : RRCE Conference Hall

Semesters : All Semesters

Faculty coordinators : Asoc.Prof. Mr. Pramod V Koujalagi
Asst.Prof. Mr. Anand A
Asst.Prof. Mr. B D Wadekar

Outcome of the Program :

Students gained the knowledge and able to understand the following:

  • Explained Reverse Engineering the process of extracting knowledge on design information from a product and reproducing it or reproducing anything based on extract information from mechanical devices and electronics components.
  • Explained the types & process involved and also software’s used in Reverse Engineering.
  • Demonstration on using laser light scanner built a 3D model from the data.
  • Explained clay model concept and different digitizing methods.
  • Shown videos of digitizing mechanical & electronic designs.

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