News & Events

Technical talk on Introduction to Python programming

Date : 26th April 2017

Venue : Aryabhatta Seminar Hall,RRCE

About the Programme:

A Journal club talk on “Integrating wind energy to grid” and a Technical talk on “Introduction to Python programming” was held at Aryabhatta seminar hall on 26th April 2017.The event was organized by the EEE department association of Electrical & Electronics Engineering “TRANSFORMERZ”. The occasion was graced by more than 100 students.

The program was hosted by Pooja.N.P, our 8th sem student. The program started with an invocation song and was followed by welcome address to the dignitaries. The following dignitaries were on Dias
Dr. T.R. GopalakrishnaNair Rector, RRGI
Prof.Dr. M .Arunachalam HOD of EEE, RRCE

Prof. Dr. M.Arunachalam, HOD, Dept of EEE welcomed the resource persons and addressed the students about the importance of renewable energy resources. He also explained the necessity of using solar energy as an alternate source of energy. Dr. T.R. Gopalakrishna Nair, Rector, RRGI explained about the present scenario of renewable energy resources in the world.

Then session was continued by Prof Bharathi.V on “Integrating wind energy to grid” .She discussed about

• Wind energy as an efficient and alternate source of energy
• How to integrate wind power to grid
• Present Indian wind power scenario
• Environmental challenges and sound issues
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Future scope

Then the session was continued by Technical talk on “Introduction to Python programming” by Prof K.R.Pavan Kumar. He explained about

• System computational concept
• Program computer servers
• Different computer and algorithm steps
• Python programming proceedings
• Operands and commands of Python language
• Comparison of C Programming and Python Programming

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