News & Events

Technical Talk on Missile-Control System

Event Date: 27th August 2019

Resource Person: Dr.P.Theerthamalai Head and Senior Scientist, DRDO, Hyderabad.

Venue: Dr. Satyendranath Bose seminar Hall, Department of ECE. RRCE, Bengaluru

No. of Students enrolled:90

Target Participants: Faculty Members and Students of 5th semester of ECE department.

Outcome of the event: The Students gained knowledge on

  • Indian Missile Systems
  • Types of missiles such as Underwater Homing Torpedoes,Surface-to-Surface Tactical Guided Missiles, Ballistic Missiles,Air-to-Air Guided Missiles, Surface-to-Air Guided Missiles,Air to Ground Missiles, Intercontinental Guided Projectiles.
  • Discussed about how Electronics and communication system is applicable for Missile Control system.

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