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Technical Talk “Technological advances in Construction”

RESOURSE PERSON: Mr.Sachin Amarnath, (Director) Motion Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

EVENT DATE: 29th AUG. 2018 (10.45 am to 11.45 am)

VENUE: M Visvesvaraya Seminar Hall, Department of Civil Engineering


FACULTY COORDINATOR: Mr. Gangadhar N , Asst. prof

OUTCOME: Today the technologies of both manufacturing and construction have changed, but not nearly to the same degree. Part of the reason for the different degrees of change can be found in the basic differences between manufacturing and construction.

  • New materials and energy, design approaches, as well as advances in digital technology and big data, are creating a wave of innovation within the construction industry were introduced to students.
  • This talk allows students to be self-directing and eliminates the need for layout, staking personnel and understanding the need of new technology in construction.
  • Throughout this session the approach and pre-production planning importance is introduced to students.
  • At the end of session students get to known how Construction project logistics are made much simpler when you can throw away the stringlines.

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