News & Events

Three Day Workshop on Design Thinking and Six Hat Thinking Techniques

Resource Person : Dr.G.Vinoth, M.S. Ph. D (USA) & Team
CEO and Start up Designer,
Pongu Ventures, Cennai.

Date : 23rd April – 25th April 2019

Time : 9.30 AM to 4.00 PM

No. of Participants : 55

Target Participants : II, III year U.G and PG Students and Faculty members

Outcome of the Program :
Pongu Ventures team taught one of brain storming techniques for selecting the best idea for each team. RR IIC teams were introduced to Six Hat Thinking technique by which students learnt to use this tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving the usage of six coloured hats as this technique provides a way for a group to come together to discuss and plan their thinking process. Through this technique students also learnt about criticizing their own idea, which is very important for any new startup business creation. The students donned six different coloured hats namely blue, white, red, black, yellow and blue, and demonstrated this technique. The brain storming was carried out by Gig Jobs team headed by Tahir (2nd year CSE Student). Yuvraj donning Blue Hat is managing the other five in the discussion. Tahir an aspiring entrepreneur donning Green Hat is the Creative person thinking outside the box. Shraddha, cofounder in Tahir’s team, donning the yellow hat spoke about the positivity in Gig economy.

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