News & Events

Webinar on Optical Communications and Photonics

Resource Person: Dr. T Srinvas, Professor,Dept of ECE, Indian Institute of Science(IISc), Bangalore

Date: 08th May 2021

Objective: Present broad band applications like fiber-to-the-home, national broad band networks etc are possible mainly due to developments in fiber-optics. In analogy with Electronics, Photonics is the science and technology of using light-wave particles, with applications ranging from optical communications to sensors to biomedical applications to quantum computing.

No. of Participants: 301

Target Participants: Students and Faculty members of ECE department.

Outcome of the Program :
The Participants gained knowledge on

  • Basic of photonics v/s Electronics
  • Elements of Optical communications
  • Integrated Optics
  • Wavelength division Multiplexing (WDM) and Terabit.
  • Real time applications of Photonics


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