News & Events

Workshop on ‘Internet of Things’

Date : 14th October 2019 to 17th October 2019

RRCE in Association with: INTEL and FICE

Program Description: The Internet of Things (IoT) Program is top-up program designed for engineering students of all discipline. This program aims to enrich the students with experiential, hands-on learning knitted with advanced technology to solve real-world problems. The program, thereby, helps inculcate an entrepreneurial mindset and enriches the employability quotient of the participants.

The program is sectioned into two parts:
Part 1: Intensive, hands-on workshop by FICE trainers.
• Part 2: Project implementation on chosen problem statement by the students.

Delivery Medium: Face to face supported by LMS
Language: English
Content Partner: Intel Technology India Private

No. of students Participated : 51