News & Events

Yukthi Registration Process – 2023

Title: Mentorship Session on Yukthi 2023 Registration Process
Date: 5th May 2023
Resource Person :
Dr G.Vinoth,
Founder and CEO,
Pongu Ventures (P) Ltd.,
Description : Students were given sensitization on Yukthi Innovation Repostitory by the resource person.
He explained the following steps for Yukthi registration.

Step by Step Procedure:

  • Browse the URL :
  • google : YUKTI – National Innovation Repository(NIR) (
  • Click Register button in the Top Right corner -→ New Registration → Innovator
  • Fill the Registration form as Innovator ( Be ready with the scanned copy of faculty ID card / Student ID card and faculty ID (biometric Id of RRCE / USN no of student)
  • Upload the scanned sofy copy of the college ID Card
  • Complete the Registration and collect your username (your registered email id ) and password in th e email. Later change the password
  • Use the login ID and Password for enter upload the details of of our Idea / Working Model Prototype.
  • Outcome :
  • Number of Ideas submitted : 40
  • Number of Prototyped submitted : 10

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