L. Rangaiah, K. Srinivasa Rao, Anil Kumar “Reduction of Co-Channel Interference in Cellular systems”, published by International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), Vol:1, Issue:1, Nov, 2010 PP: 45-49. L.Rangaiah, K. Srinivasa Rao, Anil Kumar “Conceptual and Optimization problems in wireless Ad-hoc sensor networks”. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technology (IJEECT), Vol:1, Issue:1,
International Journals Ramesh C, Maniysundar, Selvanandan.S, “An overview of magnetism of spinel nanoferrite particles and A study of chromium substituted Zn-Mn ferrites nanostructures via sol-gel method”, 978-1-4673-0074-2/11/@2011 IEEE Trans. Ramesh C, K.Maniysundar, Selvanandan.S and Anbarasan P M, “XRD Structural and Magnetic study on Mg0.3Zn0.7NixFe2-xO4 Ferrite system synthesized by sol-gel method” Accepted manuscript in J. of
National Journals – Research Publications S. No. Title of the Article Name of the Journal ISSN Period of publication Volume & Issue No. Impact Factor 1 Stress Management by Employees At Mind Tree LTD: A Study IJCMI Publication 2348-7585 April 2019 Volume 07, Issue 1 – 2 A study on Performance Management System in Wipro
“Digital Marketing”, International Journal for Multidisciplinary research (IJFMR) E-ISSN 2582-2160 (Online), Vol-6, Issue -1, Jan-Feb2024
A Study on Growth Rate of the Textile Industry in India Provides Valuable Insights into Its Development and Trends, Indian Journal of Economics and Finance (IJEF) ISSN: 2582-9378 (Online), Volume-2 Issue-1, May 2022 “Exploring Investor Awareness and Perceptions of Cryptocurrency”, IJRTE, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 12–16, Mar. 2024, doi: 10.35940/ijrte.F7998.12060324. “A comprehensive study on
Chapter Publication: Published Chapter: “Start Up’s” in the book Titled: Futuristic Trends in Management, IIP Series, Volume 3, Book 6, Part 4, Chapter 2 e-ISBN: 978-93-5747-798-7 Journal Publication Details: “A Study on Financial Bootstrapping Methods for Startup” International Journal of Exclusive Management Research Volume 14 – Issue 06 June – 2024 UGC Care listed Group
international journal -05 national Journal – 02 01 Book chapter in E-COMMERCE – Role of AI in E-Commerce.
Patents: Title: CNG KIT: Intelligent CNG Kit Design for Two Wheelers. Application No: 202041030475 A, Date: 21/08/2020. Title: Automatic Signal Alert for Preventing Accidents. Application No: 202041054009 A, Date: 18/12/2020. Title: Novel Design for Casting Table Application No: 202041057486 A, Date: 08/01/2021. Design Title: Smart Device for Women/Child Safety with Automatic Location Tracking and Emergency
40 Publications
Shashidhara, T. S., et al. "Unveiling the crystal structure and quantum properties of 6bromo-N-pyridin-4-yl-2-thiophen-2-ylquinoline-4-carboxamide: A promising journey towards predicting its anticancer potential." Journal of Molecular Structure 1293 (2023): 136266.
Chikkegowda, Ashwitha, Lingaraj Adarsh Raj, Sankarshan Belur Mohan, and Sannathammegowda Krishnaveni. "Study on polymer composites with glass for gamma ray shielding. " Radiation Protection Dosimetry 200, no. 11-12 (2024): 1233-1236. Chikkegowda, Ashwitha, Lingaraj Adarsh Raj, Sankarshan Belur Mohan, and Sannathammegowda Krishnaveni. "Gamma-ray interaction studies of concrete with waste glass fillers." Radiation Protection Dosimetry 200, no. 11-12 (2024): 1224-1227. Chikkegowda,
Publications Published the paper “A new sensor less multilevel inverter with reduced part count withflying capacitor voltage balancing technique” in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN: 2349-5162 (ONLINE), Vol: 06, Issue: 06, June 2019. Certifications Underwent Skill training on Internet of Things, organized by Karnataka Skill Development Corporation in 2022
Published the paper “”Energy Efficient Power Supply using Tiny Switch” in International Journal of Recent Engineering and Technology (IJRTE), ISSN – 2277-3878, Vol 8, Issue 6S,March 2019.
Papers presented in the International Journal: 10 Papers presented in the conference: 8 M.Selvi,“AdHoc on demand Distance vector Routing is a widely adopted network routing protocol for MANET”, proceedings of the national conference on recent trends in computing 27 th March 2010. M.Selvi, “The development of data centric sensor networks based on privacy and security”
Bote Vaishali Raosaheb, Anand Adeppa, Sudhakara Aralihalli, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, Akarapong Tuljittraporn, Arthittaya Chuaybamrung, AV Vijayashankar, Jobish Johns (2024). A Novel Chemical Route for Low-Temperature Curing of Natural Rubber Using 2, 4 Dihydroxybenzaldehyde (DHB): Improved Thermal and Tensile Properties. Iranian Polymer Journal (Q2 Ranked) Bote Vaishali Raosaheb, Sudhakara Aralihalli, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, Akarapong Tuljittraporn, Arthittaya Chuaybamrung,
Published a paper entitled, “A Survey on Content Based Image Retrieval” in the IEEE International Conference on,“Pattern Recognition, Informatics and Mobile Engineering” Periyar University, on February 2013 . (Scopus Indexed). Published a paper entitled, “Diverse Image Investigation using image metrics for Content Based Image Retrievalsystem”, IEEE Xplore, Volume-2, Pages: 1 -8, August 2016. (Scopus Indexed).
Effective Approach to predict chronic Kidney Disease Using Machine Learning, 2023, 2063-5346 (SCI Indexed), DOI:10.48047/ECB/2023.12.9.93. Scheduling job and Online Dispatching in Edge Cloud, 2024, 2395-4396 (ISSN). Paper ID – 22944. Patent Details Automatic Html Code Generation From Drawn Images Using CNN”
Block chain -based maintaining privacy Tracking Contacts for the COVID-19 Pandemic(IJARIIE)
By passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks using BPR-A survey(IJARSET- Block chain -based maintaining privacy Tracking Contacts for the COVID-19 Pandemic (IJARIIE) Patent Automatic HTML Code Generation from drawn images using CNN.
Water Demand Prediction using Machine Learning 2020,2454-132X(ISSN). Volume-6, Issue-4 Scheduling job and Online Dispatching in Edge Cloud, 2024, 2395-4396 (ISSN). Paper ID – 22944. Improving accuracy in Network Intrusion Detection Via Machine Learning Algorithm, 2024, Paper ID-710 Patent Details An Approach For PrediCtion Of Diseases To Suggest Doctors And Hospitals To Patent Based On Recommendation
Number of Publications: 5
Number of Publications: 10
Number of Publications: 13
Number of Publications : 18
Number of Publications:15
Number of Publication: 19
Total Number of Publications: 01
Total Number of Publications: 01
Total Number of Publications: 01
Total Number of Publications: 03
Jai Shankar M et, al Evaluation of Speech Emotion Feelings Recognition Biometric Using Machine Learning, DOGO RANGSANG Research Journal.
1 Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures. Q3 – Scopus journal Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Woven Bamboo and Jute Fiber Reinforced in Epoxy Composites” DOI: 10.22075/MACS.2023.30534.1504 2 European Chemical Bulletin Q3 –Scopus journal Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Woven Bamboo And Jute Fiber Reinforced In Epoxy Composites Using Taguchi Methodology, DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.322 3 International Journal
Darshan P et, al Evaluation of The Quality of Water Considering SVM And The XG boost Technique, Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and humanities.
Publications: 1
Number of Publications: 7 Publications and 4 Patents Research Publications: “A Study on work life balance-an empirical study of IT Sector in Bangalore City”, 2021 published in Shodhsamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, Journal of Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, ISSN: 2277-7067, Vol. VII, No. 11 : 2021, Page No: 89-94 “A Study on
Total Number of Publications: 2 Chapter Publication: Published Chapter: “Start Up’s” in the book Titled: Futuristic Trends in Management, IIP Series, Volume 3, Book 6, Part 4, Chapter 2 e-ISBN: 978-93-5747-798-7 Journal Publication Details: “A Study on Financial Bootstrapping Methods for Startup” International Journal of Exclusive Management Research Volume 14 – Issue 06
Total Number of Publications: 13
Total Number of Publications: 8
Published a paper entitled DRUG RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM USING MACHINE LEARNING in SHANLAX international journals.
DEERAJ C et, al, AN IOT APPLICATION FOR MILLTARY CAMP SECURITY, European Chemical Bulletin. DEERAJ C et, al BIRDBOOK using Django , Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities
R. Arul Jose, P Ebby Darney , Bharathi V , Udhyami M B, “Variable frequency pulse control of LLC resonant DC-DC Converter using RBFN-ANN algorithm for low voltage application” Journal of Algebraic Statistics, 2022 (Web of Science) P.Rajasekar, Rekha Baghel, P.Chitra, R.Arul Jose, Aruna Kumar Joshi, “Cloud Base Farm Monitoring Using IoT” International Journal of
Total Number of Publications: 5
Total Number of Publications: 12
Journal Publication Details: Published paper on “Ethics Applied in Corporate Social Responsibility at Retail Industry in India” in Research Directions an International Multi-Disciplinary UGC Approved Journal having Impact Factor :5.7, ISNN: 2321-5488. Published paper on “Relationship b/w CSR, Organizational Culture and Ethics among Employees of Retail Industry- An Analytical study at Bangalore” in International Journal
Total Number of Publications: 11 Conferences: Presented a paper titled “Investigation on alternative to molasses in cement sand moulds” 37th Annual Convention of IIF. Presented a paper titled “Air and noise pollution redressed through VAMP applied to Bangalore city traffic ” NACOSTAN organized by ISE, Bangalore.
SreenivasaMurthy.V, Dr.Sudhamani Presented a Paper titled” Extended Model Based Testing for MobileApplications”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCE, ISSN NO: 0972-1347. SreenivasaMurthy.V, Dr.Sudhamani Presented a Paper titled” Quality Factors of Mobile Automation Tools and ItsLimitations”. IJRECE VOL. 7 ISSUE 2 (APRIL- JUNE 2019) ISSN: 2393-9028 (PRINT) | ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE) | ISSN NO: 0972-1347.
Service Oriented Architecture Testing -ISSN (Online) 2394-2320 Continuous Integration Approach of Risk-Based Testing using Service Oriented Architecture- ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE) Strategic Practices of Testing Software Applications in Agile Methodology- ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
Number of Publications in National International Journals 4 1 Conferences/Symposia 191 14
Dr.R.Balakrishna, Dr.S.Vijayanand “IPCM- Movable Satellite: Intelligent Propagation Impairments for Movable Satellite Communication Links at The Microwave Frequencies in Location”, Australian Patent Application No : 2020102827 , Application Dated: 17/10/2020. Dr.R.Balakrishna, Dr. Geethanjali N, Dr.N.Guruprasad, Dr.S.Vijayanand, Mr.Shamshekar Patil, “IMFBT-Data Discover: Intelligent Data Discover with one Member of the Family B-Tree Using Machine Learning”, Indian Patent Application
Title Journal Year of Award ISSN Link Study on Strength Properties of Municipal Solid Waste Ash in Concrete International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 2022-23 2349-5138
Advanced image enhancement (brain tumor) DWT-SVD method using CNN (Paper Id: V5I2-1536 (v5i2-1536)
Dr. SK. Masthan Basha, M.Supraja, Dr. M.Pavithra Jyothi International Journal of Research (IJR) “Implementation of SDR based passive Bistatic FM radar “ volumeXI, Issue I, January/2022 ISSN No: 2236-6124 Dr. SK. Masthan Basha, Dr. M.Pavithra Jyothi, M.Supraja presented The International Journal Of analytical and Experimental modal analysis “ A Review on 5G Communication “(IJAEMA) Volume
International Conferences/Symposia: 2 International Conference/Workshop: CCIP 2022-Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Information Processing. ICRITCSA 2022-3rd International Conference on Recent Innovative Trends in Computer Science and Applications.
International Conferences/Symposia: CSITSS 2017 Important Responsibilities Held in the College NAAC AND NBA CO-ORDINATOR International Conference/Workshop: Knee Vibratography: Arthiritis Diagnosis Through Non Invasive Cloud Based Artificial Intelligence
National Journals: 2 MAT Journals: Published a paper on “DEEP LEARNING BASED PLANT DISEASE RECOGNITION USING VISUAL REGION APPROACH” in Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence,Volume 8 Issue -1,(January –April 2022),e-ISSN:2581-3803 Published a paper on “RESNET -101 PRETRAINED MODEL BASED PLANT DISEASE DEEP RECOGNITION USING VISUAL REGION APPROACH” in Journal of Image Processing
International Journals: 5 International Conferences/Symposia: 6 National Conference/Workshop: NET,C#,VJ#.NET , Microsoft, Bangalore Storage area network (SNA) , EMC2 ,Bangalore International Conference/Workshop: An Impact of Grid based Approach in Offline Handwritten Kannada Word Recognition, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communications and Informatics (IC3I), Mysore, pp. 630-633. A Family of Fisher’s in Handwritten Word Recognition,
Conferences Paper presented on “Experimental and Computational analysis of Heat transfer, Fluid flow and Pressure distribution of Multi-jet impingement on Concave Surfaces”, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Sciences, ISBN: 978-81-932966-3-9, on 21st-22nd April-2017 at PES College of Engineering, Mandya. Paper presented on “Study on Heat Transfer and Flow Visualization of Jet Interaction during
Publications of Shashikala A
Achievements: Best Poster Presentation at ICARES 2022 at MSRIT Summer research fellowship programme at IISc
Publications: Dr. SK. Masthan Basha, M.Supraja, Dr. M.Pavithra Jyothi International Journal of Research (IJR) “Implementation of SDR based passive Bistatic FM radar “ volumeXI, Issue I, January/2022 ISSN No: 2236-6124 Dr. SK. Masthan Basha, Dr. M.Pavithra Jyothi, M.Supraja presented The International Journal Of analytical and Experimental modal analysis “A Review on 5G Communication “(IJAEMA) Volume
National Journals: Dr.Sumithamanoj “A Novel Approach on IoT based Closed Loop Automation Technique for Modern and Green M anufacturing System” Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) Volume-11, Issue-3,March 2021 PP. Dr.Sumithamanoj , D“Prioritization Of Green And Supply Chain Risks Using Order Of Magnitude Analytic Hierarchy Process.”Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) VOL 11 JAN:2021 ISSUE 1 ISSN:
Publications: Advanced image enhancement (brain tumor) DWT-SVD method using CNN (Paper Id: V5I2-1536 (v5i2-1536)
Publications Statistical Evaluation of Network Packets in an Intrusion Detection Mechanism Using ML and DL techniques, Cybernetics and Systems, DOI:10.1080/01969722.2023.2175137, Impact Factor: 1.859
Publications: Automatic Driver Drowsiness Alert and Health Monitoring System using GSM, BT Petkar, C Bhagya, TK Gagan, K Lokesha – IJERTCONV6IS13126, 2018 Any Time Medicine Vending Machine using Embedded systems, Recent Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICRCSIT-20), on 17 th and 18 th June 2020. Advanced Adaptive meter with pre unit lmit and security
Publications: “Green House Monitoring and Control based on IoT using WSN” 2nd International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT-2016) RRCE Bangalore-74 “Enhancement of Image Compression Decompression using Wavelet Transform for Dynamic MRI Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging” NationalConference on “VLSI Communication and Signal Processing-2015(NCVCS-15) RRCE Bangalore-74. “An Optimal Driving System using Wireless Helmet” NationalConference
International Journals Retransmission DBTMA protocol with fast retransmission strategy to improve the performance of MANETs 2019 IEEE ACCESS 3.367 Resource provisioning for cyber–physical–social system in cloud-fog-edge computing using optimal flower pollination algorithm 2020 IEEE ACCESS 3.367 An optimal network coding based back pressure routing approach for massive IoT network 2020 Wireless Networks 2.701 Data fusion
National Conference/Workshop: Presented paper on “Optimized key tree management for secure multicast communication” Attended “National cyber safety and security standards summit 2013” organized by national cyber safety limited at Chennai
International Journals An Algorithm for Security Enhancing on the cloud Data Sharing System Electronic Health Report
International Journals: By passing Infected Areas in Wireless Sensor Networks using BPR-A survey(IJARSET)
View More National Conference/Workshop Presented paper”Detecting E-Waste via Spectral processing Method using PaaS Cloud”in National Conference On E-Waste Management : Challenges & Opportunities, GKV,Haridwar, Uttrakhand, March 2022. Presented paper”Role of Vedas and Biometrics in COVID-19 Crisis”in National Conference On Relevance of Vedas,Science& Technology in COVID-19, at GurukulKangriVishwavidyalaya,Haridwar,July 2020. Presented paper “ Analysis of Existing Biometric
Successfully completed “Python for Data Science” Online course in NPTEL, July-Aug 2023 Participated in four-week AICTE-NPTEL Joint FDP Programme on “Python for Data Science” in NPTEL (SWAYAM Portal),2023. Participated in One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 19th to 23rd June 2023 Organized by Visvesvaraya Technological
International Conference/Workshop Support Vector Method to Search and Rank a Domain International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, organized by, Institute for Research and Development(IRD). 24th April 2013, Bengaluru. ISBN: 978-93-81583-89-05 A Survey on Approaches for More Accurate and Diverse Recommendations IEEE Second International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and
National Conference/Workshop Presented a Paper on “A Provenance Based Mechanism to identify packet drop in wireless sensor network using bloom filter” in RETCOMP’15(IEEE international conference and emerging trends in computer and computational science) in PESIT-South campus, Bengaluru Faculty Development Program on “Effective e-Resource Retrieval Strategies for Efficient Research” at Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramanagara Attended
International Journals “A Secure Anti-Conspiracy Information Sharing Scheme for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud Server” published in IRJET (International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology) Journal volume 4, Issue 5, May 2017.
National Conference/Workshop Participated in IETE Sponsored 2nd National Conference at RNSIT, Bengaluru and won BEST PAPER Recognition International Conference/Workshop Participated and Presented Paper at the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Communication, Information, and Computing Technology(ACICT-2019) International Journals Published Paper entitled “Preproduction support for Agriculture through Information Exchange” in the International Journal of Computer Trends
International Journals LAXMIKANTHA K ”Real Time Linux using RTAI” IJCA(International Journal of Computer Application) Volume 61 Number 1(Jan 2013) National Conference LAXMIKANTHA K ” Building RTOS using Open source Linux ” National conference on Innovation in Information Technology(NCIIT-2015) ON 16 May 2015. Workshop Attended Participated 2 days workshop on “Android & Web Applications” Conducted by
DEEPA KR “Military Border Security Robot using IoT technology” in virtual 4th national conference on VLSI communication and signal processing(NCVCS-2021) ON 18 August 2021. Workshops, Seminars and FDPs Attended Attended a webinar on ”teaching and learning process, course outcome and program outcomes, organized by GMIT, DAVANGERE on 4/7/2020. Attended a 2 WEEKS FDP on” R
Journal P. Ebby Darney B. Dora Arul Selvi, “Fuzzy-Based Commutation Torque Ripple Minimization And Power Factor Correction Using Modified Sepic- PFC Converter,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.19, pp. 145-152, 2019. P. Ebby Darney and B. Dora Arul Selvi, “SEPIC Converter Based Power Factor Correction and Commutation Torque Ripple Minimization in Permanent
T., “Discover Crypto jacker from blockchain using AFS method”,Springer, 2023. Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series, 145-156, (Mar 2023) T. Subburaj., Statistical Evaluation of Network Packets in an Intrusion Detection Mechanism Using ML and DL techniques, Cybernetics and Systems, DOI:10.1080/01969722.2023.2175137 Impact
International Journals Mohan raj, R, Sakthivel, M. and Vinodh, S. “QFD Integrated Value Stream Mapping: An Enabler of Lean Manufacturing”, ‘International Journal of productivity and Quality Management’ Vol.7, No.4. 2011, pp.501-522 Mohan raj, R and Sakthivel, M. “Fuzzy QFD Integrated Value Stream Mapping: An enabler of Lean Manufacturing Practices”, ‘Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering’
National Conference/Workshop Three days workshop on MATLAB with ROBOTICS Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NDRK Institute of Technology, Hassan One day workshop on “Network Simulator-2” Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vidyavardhaka college of Engineering, Mysuru. Faculty Development programmed on “Effective Teaching of a Technical Course” Organized by Department of
National Conference/Workshop A National level workshop on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security by Wegilant Net Solutions Pvt. Ltd., in association with the Tech – Fest, IIT Bombay, held at BGSIT, BG Nagar, Mandya, 2nd- 3rd November 2012. One day workshop on IBM Bluemix held in NIE Mysore, 24th September, 2016. Technical writing and publishing by
Hall effects on steady MHD laminar flow of visco-elastic fluid embedded in porous medium through a circular cylinder
Seismic behavior of RC frames with various masonry in-fill configurations, proceedings of international conference on infrastructure development for environmental conservation and sustenance’s, October 28-30, 2015, department of civil engineering , Adhiyaman college of engineering, Dr MG R Nagar Hosur , Tamilnadu,PP62-68 Behavior of 3D RC frames with masonary in-fill under dynamic loading conditions, proceeding of
Journal Published Kandaswamy S, and kothandaraman S (2014). “Controlled permeability formwork-A Path towards durability concrete” , ICI journal Voleme 14, no 4, PP 35-40 Kandaswamy S, and kothandaraman S (2016) “Effect of controlled permeable formwork liner on mechanical properties of concrete,materials and structure, Springer, volume 49, No 11 , PP4737-4747, ISSN: 1359-5997 Kandaswamy S, and
Roopa G and D. Uma “Effect of variable viscosity and gravity modulation on Rayleigh Benard convection in viscoelastic ferromagnetic liquids” International Journal of Innvoative Technology and Exploring Engineering – Elsevier Scopus Vol. 9, No. 2278-3075, (2020), 3482-3488. Workshop Participated in the five days training program on “Outcome Based EEducation(OBE) And NBA Accredtaion” during 20th-24th January,
International Journals “Properties of Municipal solid waste incinerator ash in concrete”, International journals of engineering and computer science, IJECS, ISSN:2319-7242, PP: 12322-12326, Volume 4, issue 6, June 2015 “Strength and Durability Parameters of MSWI Ash in Concrete” McGraw-Hill Education:2015, ICCT-2015, PP. 129-134 “Study on behavior of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Municipal Solid
Presented Research Paper on “Characteristic Study of Aluminum based MMC’s with hybrid mixture of Aluminum oxide and Zinc oxide” at National Conference, JSSATE, Bangalore in Year 2019 . Presented Research Paper on “ntelligent Breaking System” at National Conference,RRCE, Bangalore in year 2018.
International Journals Published paper in International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking on the topic “Thermal Imaging as a Bio metrics moves towards to Facial Signature Substantiation”, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan 2014, ISSN: 2320-2106. Published paper in International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking on the topic “Improving the Performance of Video
International Journals: D. Sobya, Prakash B H and S Nallusamy, “Detection of Airport Disguise and Threat Objects using Shortwave-Infrared Imaging and Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Vol. 70(2), 2022,PP 270-273. (Scopus) D. Sobya, Nallusamy S and Chakraborty P S, “Improvement of overall performance by implementation of different lean tools –
Patents Granted or Field: Dr.R.Balakrishna, Mr.Manohar Madgi, Dr.Rajesh K.S., Dr.Saimadhavi D, “IML Data Cleaning: INTELLIGENT DATA CLEANING USING MACHINE LEARNING PROGRAMMING”, Australian Patent Application No : 2020102129, Application Dated: 27/08/2020. Dr.R.Balakrishna, Dr.Rajesh K S, Mr.K.Venkata Rao, Dr.Sai Madhavi D, Mrs.Chandramma, “ ICS-System: Intelligent Customer Service System Using Artificial Intelligence Programming”, Indian Patent Application No: 202041027322,
International Journal Published a paper titled “Defense against Collaborative attacks in MANET” in the journal Ciit International Journal of Wireless Communication, vol.6 , No.3, 2014. Published a paper titled “Real Time Path Planning based on Hybrid VANET using transportation System” in the journal International journal of Engineering and Techniques,ISSN:2395-1303, 2017. International Journal of Modern Computer
Publications: A. Muruganandham A. Krishnakumar; T. Senthilkumaran; S. Vijayanand; R. Mukesh;S Selvanandan, “Prediction of QoS Data for Pressure Sensor Using Prophet and FFNN AI Algorithms” IEEE xplorer (SCOPUS). Dr. A Muruganandham, Veena H N, Dr. T Senthil Kumaran, “A Novel Optic Disc and Optic Cup Segmentation Technique to Diagnose Glaucoma using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network over Retinal
INTERNATIONAL Effect of Glass and Polypropylene Fiber on Strength and Durability of Pervious Concrete with Gradation of Aggregates in IJCIET .
INTERNATIONAL Comparitive Study on Effect of Earthquake o Conventional and Flat slab building using Etabs Software, IRJET,2018 Title Journal Year of Award ISSN Link A Study on Flexural Behavior of Wrapped Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Beams International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 2022-23 2349-5138
International Conferences: Udhyami M B , “Multiple – Input Bidirectional DC -DC Power Converter with Renewable Energy Source” IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) – 2016, 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE held at DMI College Chennai. Udhyami M B, “Synchronous Buck Converters-A Comprehensive Review Based on Design, Control Strategies, Topologies and Implementation” International
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PUBLISHED: I have published a journal titled “Fuzzy logic based Maximum Power Point Tracker in Photovoltaic Cell” in the “International Journal of Science and Research” (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064 August 2013. I have Published a journal titled “Harmonic reduction using proposed Multilevel Inverter” in the “International Research Publication House”(IRPH) ,India, Online ISSN
International Journals N.Amuthan, P.Subburaj, and P.Melba Mary, “DirectModel Reference Adaptive Internal Model Controller for better Voltage Sag Ride Throughin DFIG Wind Farms”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, Volume 47, May 2013, pp.255-263. N.Amuthan, P.Subburaj and P.Melba Mary, “Voltage Sag Ride-Through Using Improved Adaptive Internal Model Controller for DFIG Wind Farms”, Elsevier,
International Journals K S Ananda Kumar, Balakrishna R; “Implementation of Itree-MAC Protocol for Effective Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN : 2456-3307, July 2018. Bhavya shree M N, K S Ananda Kumar, Gagana H, Kavyashree S, Geetha
International Journals Ramesh C, Maniysundar, Selvanandan.S, “An overview of magnetism of spinel nanoferrite particles and A study of chromium substituted Zn-Mn ferrites nanostructures via sol-gel method”, 978-1-4673-0074-2/11/@2011 IEEE Trans. Ramesh C, K.Maniysundar, Selvanandan.S and Anbarasan P M, “XRD Structural and Magnetic study on Mg0.3Zn0.7NixFe2-xO4 Ferrite system synthesized by sol-gel method” Accepted manuscript in J. of
Poonam Kumari “Link and Rate Selection for Point –to-Point 60Ghz Networks”, National Conference FCST’12 on 12-14th FEB, ISBN : 978-16-2050-050-7 Poonam Kumari “Hacker Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks”, National Conference FCST’12 on 12-14th FEB, ISBN: 978-16-2050-050-7 Poonam Kumari “Web monitoring via SMS using android phone” , National conference ISTE on 30th April 2014 at SSEC.
Journal Papers: Mr.Bharath J, Ms Vaishnavi.P , Ms. Sandhya.H , Ms. Shalini.R, Ms. Roopashree.R “CAMPUS NAVIGATION BASED ON IOT”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education(IJARIIE), Vol-2 Issue-5,C-1586, Page No:239-243, ISSN(O)-2395-4396, May 2017. Mr.Bharath J, Chandrashekar M S, Subhash B N, Satish V”Enhancing Computer Inspection Using Document Clustering for Analysis”, International Journal
PAPERS PRESENTED / CONFERENCES / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED: (“Effective Removal of Impulse Noise by Using Improved Noise Adaptive Median Filter” in Adhiyaman College of Engineering and Technology (Hosur, Tamilnadu). Second National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication, Electronics & Information Technology, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore. HDL Workshop, East West College of Engineering. Faculty Development Programme
Papers presented in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Symposia: 2 Invited Lectures delivered and Chairmanships at International/National/Regional/Local conference/seminar, etc.: 2 Projects: Design & development of Transmission System control system (e.g. HVDC, SVC, STATCOM, SCADA system etc. ) for BHEL projects.
No. Published Papers in National Level Journals : 3 No.of Full Papers in Conference Proceedings : 3 Papers presented in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Symposia: 3 Invited Lectures delivered and Chairmanships at International/National/Regional/Local conference/seminar, etc.: 3
International Journals “Dynamic Authenticated Tcp Serialize Approach” published with International Journal of Emerging Technology&Research in Volume 1, Issue 1, Nov-Dec2013(IJETRV1I1103) “Advanced Efficient Information Retrieval For Ranked Queries In Cloud” published with International Journal of Emerging Technology&Research in Volume 1, Issue 4, MayJune2014 (IJETRV1I4196) International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research Published a paper titled “Advanced
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Published paper titled” Experimental Studies on polymer modified steel fiber reinforced concrete”,IJMET,2017 Published paper titled “Landslide macro hazard zonation i Yercud and Kumuli ghat Section,Tamil Nadu”,ISBN 9789385516931(2017) Published paper titled “Efficient user confidentiality by obfuscrrypt for cloud storage”,IJAER,(2015)vol 10,ISSN-0973-4562, pp 2232-2030 Published paper titled “RunOff estimation for MaruthamPallam village,Tamilnadu using GIS”,IJAER,(2015) vol 10,pp
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Published paper titled “Utilisation of sulphur Fly ash with Beach Sand in Asphalt Mixes for Pavement-Modern Tice)2003 Published paper titled”Recent Developments in National Highway Construction works –National Conference on Horizons in Civil Engineering Practises for the Millenium -2000
International Journals Thanuj Kumar M, S. G. Sangashetty, Jobish Johns, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, “Mechanical, Thermal and Solvent Transport Analysis of Cotton Fabric Reinforced Natural Rubber Composites”, Journal of Fibers and Polymers, vol.23, No.4, 1068-1076, 2022. (DOI 10.1007/s12221-022-4368-9) (Q2) Thanuj Kumar M., S. G. Sangashetty, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, LadawanSongtipya, YeamponNakaramontri, Jobish Johns, “Combination of silk fabric and natural
International Journals Dr.Vishwanath K.C , Dr.Sreenivasalu Reddy, Dr. Karthikeyan M “Enhancing the thermal efficiency of parabolic trough collector using rotary receiver tube” Sustainable Energy Technologies and assessments (Elsevier), 2213-1388. Rating – Q1, H-index: 39. Dr.Vishwanath K C, Dr.Sreenivasalu Reddy “ A comprehensive review on performance enhancement analysis of soar flat plate collector” International Journal of
INTERNATIONAL Performace evaluation of STP for the treatment of hospital wastewater at RRCMH,Vol 5,Issue 2 April-June 2018,IJRAR Performance evaluation of a Sewage treatment Plant (STP) for treatment of domestic Waste water at the RRCMH ,I Manager,2019
Papers published in Journal Papers Vijayakumar.H and SakeyShamu, Published “Study on fracture parameters of SCC and steel fiber reinforced SCC(SFRSCC)- An overview” International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering(ISSN 2250-2459,ISO 9001;2008 certified journal),Volume -2,Issue- 12, December 2012,pp 498-508. Vijayakumar.H and SakeyShamu, Published. “Study on fracture parameters of SCC-An overview” International Journal of Earth Science
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS “Vibration control of framed structure under seismic excitations”, (RM) International Journal of advanced information science and technology, IJAIST, ISSN 2319 – 2682, Volume 20, Issue 20, December 2013. “Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil by Using Lime and Rice Husk Ash” (RR) International Journal of Science & Techno ledge, ISSN 2321 – 919X, pp:
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Aravinthan. K, Sivakumar. N, Rajeshwaran. K, Sundaram. S. P, Praveen Kumar. G, 2017, ‘Study on Strength Parameters of In-Situ Fly Ash Based GEO Polymer Concrete with Nitobond PVA’, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X, Volume 3 Issue 4, pp.01-06, May-June. Aravinthan.K, Venkatasubramani.R, Srisanthi.V.G, Ajith
National Conference Presented a paper titled “MapReduce: Incremental Map-reduce for mining expanding Big-Data”, National conference on computer applications and communication systems, 26th Feb- 2016. Presented a paper titled “Toward energy efficient big data gathering in densely distributed sensor networks”, National conference on shaping the future: Digitize India Start-up India, 20thApril-2017. Presented a paper titled “Assisting
International Journals & Conferences R. Gangadhar Reddy and Yash Pal Singh “Design of Robust, Ultra Low- Power Efficient Full Adder Cell in sub-45nm Technologies”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 9, Issue 20, pp. 267- 275, 2016. (Scopus Indexed) R Gangadhar Reddy and Sachin Saxena ” Performance Analysis of Pro- posed Full Adder
Published a Paper on “Efficient implementation of AES-128 encryption cryptographic technique”, IJSRCCE journal.
International Journal Ravikiran H.R “Investigation of Effect of Al alloy Reinforced with SIC” International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT), ISSN: 2277-9655, Impact Factor: 5.164, CODEN: IJESS7, Vol. 7 Iss. 3, March-2018, DOI: 10.5621/zenodo.1189186
“Numerical Analysis of Air Flow Characteristics in Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Duct” in IJIRSET, Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2017
“GPU Based Optimized Characters Text Detection and Segmentation”, International conference on Recent Trends in Computational Engineering &Technologies(ICRTCET’18), May 2018 “Connected Farming: Transforming Agriculture using IoT” in the International conference on Recent Trends in Computational Engineering & Technologies(ICRTCET’18) Scrutiny of Bandwidth Request Schemes for Uplink performance in IEEE 802.16(WiMAX) Network”, National Conference on Frontiers of Computer
International Journals: “Autonomous Camera Based Eye Controlled Wheelchair System Using Raspberry-Pi” at IJRET, Volume 6,Issue 5, May 2019. “Study of Secure Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol for IoT”, IJSR, Volume 5, Issue 7, May 2016. “e-Akshara – Next Generation Ubiquitous Smart Learning Platform” , IJRET, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2016. Chaithra.S, Madhu Ganesha M, Sindhu
View More Details Published Research Paper on Title: Similarity Solutions for MHD Visco-Elastic Flow over a permeable and Non-Linearly Quadratic Stretching Sheet. Journal Name: Advances in Physics Theories and Applications. Published Research Paper on Title: Oscillatory Flow of MHD Polar Fluid with Heat and Mass Transfer Past a Vertical Moving Porous Plate with Internal Heat
International Conference Presented a paper titled “Application of Financial Accounting System for TFMEA Technique” at the International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICOMAST 2006) organized and conducted by Multimedia University, Melaka , Malaysia during August 28-30, 2006. International Journals M.Karthikeyan, S.R.Devadasan, K.Kannan, G.Sundararaj and K.Balamurugan, “Financial Accounting System for Quality Circle Programmes”, An International
Kavya G “modified Adhoc on Demand routing protocol in Manet” conference frontiers of computer science(FCS’14),may15-17,2014,page no3 Kavya G,Rajesh KS “Survey on Cloud Data Retrival for Multikeyword using Data Mining Tecnology” Natinal Conference on “real time systems(NCRTS,15) International journal :international journal of computer science and information technology Research ISSN2348-X(online) Vol.3 Issue2,pp(879-883) Available
Publications “Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on the onset of Bénard-Marangoni ferroconvection in a ferrofluid saturated porous layer”, Acta Mechanica, Springer Publications Vol 224,No.10, Oct 2013. “Effect of temperature dependent viscosity on the onset ferroconvection in ferrofluid saturated porous medium”, Magnetohydrodynamics, Institute of Physics, Unversity of Latvia Vol 49,No. 2-4, pp 191-198,July- Dec 2013. “Onset of
Published journal paper in international journal of research in engineering and technology based on project “design of a vehicular tracking system using combined CED algorithm and fuzzy logic”
View More Details Patents Filed and Published Dr.Vijayanand S, .Dr.J.Amutharaj, Dr. Sobya D Dr. K. Janaki, Dr.Neha Singhal Dr T.Subburaj of RajaRajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore has filed a patent titled “Trustworthy Electronic Voting using Adjusted Block Chain Technology” with Controller of Patents, Intellectual Property INDIA on 9th August 2021 and Published on 13th August
International Journals & Conferences L.Rangaiah, Dr K. Srinivasa Rao, T Srinivasa Murthy “Safety standards for Non-ionizing radiations from Wireless and microwave systems”, International Conference on Recent trends in Computing & Communications, FACT-2009, VIT, Chennai. L.Rangaiah, Dr K. Srinivasa Rao, N V M Krishna, S Rajendra Prasad, “Conceptual and Optimization problems in wireless Ad-hoc sensor networks”.
Fracture /Crack Growth analysis in dovetail attachments for varying flank length & Friction along the contact surface International conference ADVANCED MATERIALS, MANUFACTURING, MANAGEMENT & THERMAL SCIECES (AMMMT-2010) NOV 18th & 19th 2010 , SIT, Tumkur. Proc.Int.Conf.AMMMT-2010,pp.45-46 Non-Linear FE analysis of dovetail Joints in aero engine compressor disc International Journal INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MECHANICAL & AUTOMOBILE
“Dynamic characteristics of non Newtonian fluid squeeze film damper”
International Journals: Veda.D, Kusuma , presented and published a paper on “Automated SHOPPING TROLLY FOR BILLING SYSTEM “ in International Journal for innovative Engineering and Management Research ,Vol 08 Issue06, Jun 2019 ISSN 2456 – 5083 Page 39 Veda.D , Brunda C, presented a paper on “CRYPTOGRAPHIC PREDICATE ENCIPHERMENT FOR MULTI RECEIVER IN ONLINE COMMUNITY
International Journals Ashwini R Malipatil, Sandhya Rani: “Could and Web Based Smart Vehicle Toll Payment System” in International Journal of Trends in Research and Development, Vol 6 Issue 3 May June 2019 Ashwini R Malipatil, Libiya; “Implementation on Solar Power Plant Electricity Sensor Reads Using IOT Devices to get a Data in Mobile App” in
Bote Vaishali Raosaheb, Sudhakara Aralihalli, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, Akarapong Tuljittraporn, Arthittaya Chuaybamrung, K.S Krishna Kumar, Jobish Johns (2023). Synergistic effects of 2, 4 dihydroxybenzaldehyde and carbon black nanoparticles on the properties of natural rubber. Emergent Materials. (Q2 Ranked) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PAPERS Hardness studies on silicon NPN bipolar transistor irradiated with 120MeV nickel ion. American Institute
A Comprehensive Review: Structure Based N-Nitrosamine Impurity Risk Assessment Of An Anti-Coagulant Drug Rivaroxaban, Kedarnath Birajdar,Sudhakara A, Shubhrajyotsna Aithal, Praveen B M, Prashanth Kumar Babu, Eur.Chem.Bull. 2023,12(12), 2965-2977. Bote Vaishali Raosaheba· Sudhakara A · Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee · Akarapong Tuljittra porn· Arthittaya Chuaybamrung· K. S. Krishna Kumar· Jobish Johns, Synergistic effects of 2, 4 di hydroxy
International Journals A.S.R.Murty, S.Parameswaran and K.Ramar,”Location and design of Stabilisers in a multimachine power systems”, International Journal of Electrical power and Energy Systems, Vol.16, No. 6, pp. 355-364, 1994. A.S.R. Murty, S.Parameswaran and K.Ramar,”Design of decentralized variable stabilisers for ultimachine power systems”, International Journal of Electrical power and Energy Systems, Vol.18, No. 8, pp. 535-546,
Published paper on,”Efficient implementation of encryption and decryption technique using AES-128 algorithm”, at International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE).
Presented paper, “Design of Downlink Architecture for LTE using FPGA”, at National Conference on Signal Processing and Communication held at R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore 2012.
NATIONAL CONFERENCES Presented a Paper in the National Conference on “Design of low complexity mimo sphere decode” held on 12.3.2010by Kamraj Engg. College. Presented a Paper in the National Conference on “Low Power Circuit Testing using SCA Structure” held on 30.3.2012 by JJ College of Engg. &Tech, Trichy. Presented a paper on “Low Power &
Published a paper on “Chronic Liver Disease Prediction Analysis Based on Impact of Life Quality Attributes” in IJRTE, ISSN: 2277-3878 Vol.7, Issue-6S5, April 2019. Published a paper on “Smart City For Ambulance Using Rf Communication” in Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJESR), ISSN 2348 – 8034,imp factor 5.070,2019. Presented a paper on “App
INTERNATIONAL Kallur V. Vijayakumar and A.S. Hariprasad curved domain discretization with the boundry defined by polar equations. International conference on thermo-fluids and energy systems(ICTES 2019) IOP PublishingJournal of physics : Conference series 1473 (2020) 012010 doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1473/1/012/010 “Some Numerical Integration Schemes for an Arbitrary Linear Convex Quadrilateral Region”, International Electronic Engineering Society (IEEMS), Volume 7,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Anbazhagan P and Manohar D.R (2015). “Energy absorption capacity and shear strength characteristics of waste tire crumbs and sand mixtures”. International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, 6(1), 30-51, January-June, 2015 Anbazhagan P, Manohar D.R, Sayed S.R. Moustafa, and Nassir S. Al-Arifi (2015). “Effect of shear modulus correlation on site response study”. Disaster advances,
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Allamaprabhu, B.M.Sunil, Sitaram Nayak, Santosh Fernandes and Mohammed Zafar. (2012). “Geotechnical Characteristics of Lithomargic Clay Blended With Marine Clay as Landfill Liner Material.” International Journal of Earth sciences and Engineering. vol. 05, No. 06(01), December, 1803-1808. Sitaram Nayak, B. M. Sunil, Allamaprabhu K. (2014). “Assessment of Blended Lithomargic Clay as Landfill Liner Material.”
Presented paper titled “Multilevel security and data privacy in cloud ecosystem using composite cryptographic system” at ICTRCET-18,IEEE conference in May 2018, held at Rajarajeswari college of engineering, Bangalore, published in Global journal of Engineering Science and Researches Presented paper titled “A survey of AI techniques used in intrusion detection system” at ICTRCET-18,IEEE conference in May
Published a paper on “Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for hand written Digit Recognition” in IRJET, Vol.6, Issue 5, May 2019 S.No: 615 Published a paper on “Privacy Preserved Public Examining System for Information sharing in cloud” in IJSDR, Vol.3, Issue 5, May 2018 ISSN:2445-2631 Presented a paper on “IoT framework for SmartHome using Cloud
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Dr. Jharna Majumdar, Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari Patil “A Comparative Analysis of Image Fusion Methods using Texture” Paper presented in the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012) organized by Dr. N G P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on December 14-15, 2012 (DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-0997-3_31,@ Springer India 2013). H. Sarojadevi and Bhuvaneshwari
National Conference Presented a paper titled “Face region analysis using Embedding Techniques”, at ACENET ‘06, PSNA College of Engineering & Technology, Dindigul. Presented a paper titled “Security for Commercial Grid Environment”, at National Conference on Engineers Meet in Emerging Trends, April 5th 2007, Oxford Engineering College, Trichy. Presented a paper titled “Voice Security for Grid”,
INTERNATIONAL Published a research paper on ‘Prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Multi-Layer Perceptron’ in International Journal of Advanced Research ( Published a survey paper on ‘Exploration on the Ingredients of Organisational Security’ in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Applications, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2015 ( Presented a research paper on
Publications in International Journals and International Conferences Sharing Mobile Code Securely With Information Flow Control. This work was funded by a grant from the Office of Naval Research by two grants from the NSF: 0424422 (the TRUST center), and 0964409. This research is sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, USA 2007 opyright 2007 ACM
International/National Journal Publications Janaki.K , “A Survey: Data Security In Cloud Using Cryptography And Steganography”, Journal of Applied Science and Computations(JASC- UGC), ISSN NO: 1076-5131, DOI 16.10089/JASC , Impact Factor(2019): 5.6 , Volume VI, Issue VI, Pages: 3565-3570,June/2019 Janaki.K, “Digital Product Subscribers Churn Prediction Model using Logistic Regression” , International Journal for Innovative Engineering and
“SpaceTime Block Codes in spatial Modulation” in National Conference on communication Trends ,PESIT 2013.
Publications: Published a paper on “VANET: Simulation and Detection of Black Hole using NS2 Tool” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews”,Volume 9, Issue 4, October 2022. Published a paper on “Stress Detection using Bio sensors and Artificial Intelligence” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews”, Volume 9, Issue 3, August 2022. Deepika
Presented paper on titled “Automated Glaucoma Detection System Based on Wavelet Energy Features and ANN”, International Conference on Advances in computing, Communications and Informatics – ICACCI-2014, GCET- New Delhi –India., IEEE communications Society, ISBN- 978-1-4799-3080-7/14, IEEE Page no 2808-2812. Presented a paper on titled on”Smart Card based Electronic voting system using fingerprint “ at National
“Green House Monitoring and Control based on IoT using WSN” 2nd International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT-2016)RRCE Bangalore-74 “Enhancement of Image Compression Decompression using Wavelet Transform for Dynamic MRI Reconstruction in Biomedical Imaging” NationalConference on “VLSI Communication and Signal Processing-2015(NCVCS-15) RRCE Bangalore-74. “ An Optimal Driving System using Wireless Helmet” NationalConference on
International Journal: Ashwini R Malipatil and Rekha “MAC Enhancement for Performance Improvement of Routing Protocol” International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Vol 2 Issue 5 Sept- Oct 2012. Workshops, Seminars and FDPs Attended three days Faculty development program on “grooming the faculty fraternity” on 27th, 28th, 29th January 2014. Attended five days Faculty development
International Conferences: Paper presented on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in ICCSIT-2012 international conference Workshops, Seminars and FDPs Attended a three day workshop on “WIRELESS NETWORK SIMULATION & PROTOCOL DEVELOPMENT USING NETWORK SIMULATOR(NS2)” held on 6th-8th March 2014 at M.S.Ramaiah school of advanced studies,Bangalore. Attended a two day workshop on “SOFTWARE DEFINED DATA CENTER” held on
International Journals Dineshkumar M ,Archana N.H, Sanjay S , Nirmala V, ”Multipurpose Rural Automated Machinery”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC), Volume: 8,Issue: 05,May 2018 ISSN: 2250-1371. Dineshkumar M ,Archana N.H, Sanjay S , Nirmala V, ”Multipurpose Rural Automated Machinery”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing (IJESC), Volume: 8,Issue: 05,May 2018 ISSN:
International Journals Rajeshwari S, published a paper on “A Smart Switch to Connect and Disconnect Electrical Devices at Home by using Internet”, in IJSTE, Volume 5, Issue 10, ISSN (online): 2349-784X. Rajeshwari S , Published a paper on “A Pragmatic check out system for remedy eyeglasses” in IJESC– International Journal of Engineering Science & Computing|
National Conference Prof Soumya.M,published a paper on ” Electronic voting Machine with Centralized Backup Protection against attacks of Vested Groups” presented in National Conference on Advanced techniques in electrical and electronics Engineering, NCATEE -15, 9th May 2015 at SJBIT,Bangalore.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library: The paper title “Data Encryption Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm”, has been accepted and oral presentation on 21th -23rd July 2016 held at SJBIT, Bangeluru with an IEEE Part Number: CFP16D66-USB, IEEE ISBN: 978-1-5090-2398-1 International Journals: Ms. Shruthi.M.H , Mr. Shashidhar.V/ “Secure Communication In Vanets Using Privacy Preserving Technique”/ International Journal of
INTERNATIONAL: Study on seismic behavior of tall irregular buildings under influence of non parallel and offset irregularities IRJET vol 4 issues 3 March 2017. Seismic effect of re-entrant and torsional irregularities on multi story buildings IJERT vol 4 issue 4 April 2017. Seismic vulnerability of RC Building by considering the effect of Shear wall ,IJSR-2014
V.M.Saravanaperumal (2016), “Investigating hackers on facebook application using FRAppE “has been published in IJANA – International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, 12-13 May 2016. V.M.Saravanaperumal (2015), “Implementing Efficient Prediction Based Authentication Beacons for Vehicular Adhoc Networks”, has been published in IJITR (Vol-3, Issue-5, August – September 2015). V.M.Saravanaperumal (2015), “Automatic Code Smell Discovery and
International Journal Publications: Malathy, M. and Arputha Vijaya Selvi, J., “2-DWT and AES: Secure Authentication Management for Polar. Iris Templates Using Visual Cryptography,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2017, pp. 1– 2015; published online February 2, 2016. Malathy, M& Arputha Vijaya Selvi,J 2014,‘Spoofed Iris Recognition: Synthesis of Gabor and LBP descriptor
View More Details Bote Vaishali Raosaheb, Anand Adeppa, Sudhakara Aralihalli, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, Akarapong Tuljittraporn, Arthittaya Chuaybamrung, AV Vijayashankar, Jobish Johns (2024). A Novel Chemical Route for Low-Temperature Curing of Natural Rubber Using 2, 4 Dihydroxybenzaldehyde (DHB): Improved Thermal and Tensile Properties. Iranian Polymer Journal (Q2 Ranked) Rawiporn Promsung, Yeampon Nakaramontri, Claudia Kummerlöwe, Jobish Johns,
INTERNATIONAL: B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Sasakian manifoldsadmitting semi-symmetric metric connection”, Communications in Mathematics and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, (2013), 29-38. B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds”, Proceedings of the National Conference on “Differential Geometry”, Banglore University, ISBN:978-81-928387-1-7, (2013), 28-36. B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds admitting semi-symmetric metric connection-II, ActaUniversitatisApulensis, No.36/2013,
INTERNATIONAL: Nanjundappa. C.E. Shivakumara I.S. Savitha. B and ArpithaRaju B, “Onset of Bénard–Marangoniferroconvection with a convective surface boundary condition: The effects of cubic temperature profile and MFD viscosity”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier Publications, Vol.51,pp 39-44,Feb 2014.
INTERNATIONAL: Nanjundappa. C.E. Shivakumara I.S. and Savitha.B, “Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on the onset of Bénard-Marangoniferroconvection in a ferrofluid saturated porous layer”, ActaMechanica, Springer Publications Vol 224, (10), Oct 2013. Nanjundappa. C.E. and Savitha.B,“Effect of temperature dependent viscosity on the onset ferroconvection in ferrofluid saturated porous medium”,Magnetohydrodynamics, Institute of Physics, Unversity of Latvia Vol 49,No.
INTERNATIONAL: B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds admitting quarter symmetric metric connection-II”, Ilirias Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 1, (2012), 1-13. B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds admitting quarter symmetric metric connection”, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 3, (2012), 99-114. B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds admitting
INTERNATIONAL: B.S.Anithaand C.S.Bagewadi,, A Study on Invariant Submanifolds of Contact Manifolds-II, Book 978-620-2-55269-1 in LAMBERT Academic Publication (2020). B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds admitting quarter symmetric metric connection-II”, Ilirias Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 1, (2012), 1-13. B.S.Anitha and C.S.Bagewadi,“Invariant submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds admitting quarter symmetric metric connection”, Bulletin of Mathematical
INTERNATIONAL: C.M. Suresha, Lakshminarayanachari K, M. Siddalinga Prasad and Pandurangappa. C, “Advection-Diffusion on Numerical Model of an Air Pollutant Emitted from an Area Source of Primary Pollutant with Wet Deposition”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Vol.4(1), pp.135-143, (2012).
INTERNATIONAL: P.M. Balagondar and G.S. Prasad,“On longitudinal dispersion of contamination in a pulsatile flow through a porous channel” Mathematical Science Research Journal Vol. 16(11) pp. 292-307 (2012) P.M. Balagondar and G.S. Prasad, “Analysis of convective diffusion in a pulsatile flow of Non-Newtonian visco-elastic fluid in a channel” International Journal of Mathematical Archive Vol. 4(2) pp.1-11(2013).
INTERNATIONAL: P.M. Balagondar and G.S. Prasad,“On longitudinal dispersion of contamination in a pulsatile flow through a porous channel” Mathematical Science Research Journal Vol. 16(11) pp. 292-307 (2012). P.M. Balagondar and G.S. Prasad, “Analysis of convective diffusion in a pulsatile flow of Non-Newtonian visco-elastic fluid in a channel” International Journal of Mathematical Archive Vol. 4(2) pp.1-11(2013).
INTERNATIONAL: C.E. Nanjundappa, I.S. Shivakumara, H.N. Prakash,“ Penetrativeferroconvection via internal heating in a saturated porous layer with constant heat flux at the lower boundary”, Journal of Magnetism and Materials, Vol.324, pp.1670-1678, (2012).
INTERNATIONAL: C.E. Nanjundappa, I.S. Shivakumara, H.N. Prakash,“ Penetrativeferroconvection via internal heating in a saturated porous layer with constant heat flux at the lower boundary”, Journal of Magnetism and Materials, Vol.324, pp.1670-1678, (2012). Nanjundappa. C.E. Shivakumara I.S. and Savitha.B, “Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on the onset of Bénard-Marangoniferroconvection in a ferrofluid saturated porous layer”, ActaMechanica, Springer
INTERNATIONAL: C.E. Nanjundappa, I.S. Shivakumara, H.N. Prakash,“ Penetrativeferroconvection via internal heating in a saturated porous layer with constant heat flux at the lower boundary”, Journal of Magnetism and Materials, Vol.324, pp.1670-1678, (2012). Nanjundappa. C.E. Shivakumara I.S. and Savitha.B, “Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on the onset of Bénard-Marangoniferroconvection in a ferrofluid saturated porous layer”, ActaMechanica, Springer
INTERNATIONAL: SudheerPai K. L, Lakshminarayanachari K, M. Siddalinga Prasad, Pandurangappa. C, “Advection-Diffusion Numerical Model of an Air Pollutant Emitted from an Area Source of Primary Pollutant with Chemical Reaction and Dry Deposition”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,Vol.4(1), pp. 126-134, (2012). C.M. Suresha, Lakshminarayanachari K, M. Siddalinga Prasad and Pandurangappa. C, “Advection-Diffusion on Numerical
INTERNATIONAL: SudheerPai K. L, Lakshminarayanachari K, M. Siddalinga Prasad, Pandurangappa. C, “Advection-Diffusion Numerical Model of an Air Pollutant Emitted from an Area Source of Primary Pollutant with Chemical Reaction and Dry Deposition”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,Vol.4(1), pp. 126-134, (2012). K. Lakshminarayanachari, K.L. SudheerPai, M. Siddalinga, Pandurangappa. C, “A two dimensional numerical model
INTERNATIONAL: Pandurangappa. C. Krishna, Lakshminarayanachari, K, Sujit Kumar Khan, ““Effect of Mesoscale Type wind and Chemical Reaction on the Pollutant Distribution Emitted from a Line Source”,International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development,Vol.6(2), pp. 557-563, (2012).
INTERNATIONAL: Pandurangappa. C. Krishna, Lakshminarayanachari, K, Sujit Kumar Khan, ““Effect of Mesoscale Type wind and Chemical Reaction on the Pollutant Distribution Emitted from a Line Source”,International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development,Vol.6(2), pp. 557-563, (2012).
INTERNATIONAL: Pandurangappa. C, Lakkshminarayanachari, K, M. Venkatachalappa, “Effect of Mesoscale wind on the Pollutant Emitted from an Area Source of Primary and Secondary pollutants with Gravitation al Setting Velocity”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol 2(9), pp. 325-334, (2012). Lakshminarayanachari K, Pandurangappa. C and M. Vekatachalappa, “Mathematical Model of Air Pollutant Emitted
INTERNATIONAL: Pandurangappa. C, Lakkshminarayanachari, K, M. Venkatachalappa, “Effect of Mesoscale wind on the Pollutant Emitted from an Area Source of Primary and Secondary pollutants with Gravitation al Setting Velocity”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol 2(9), pp. 325-334, (2012). Pandurangappa. C. Krishna, Lakshminarayanachari, K, Sujit Kumar Khan, ““Effect of Mesoscale Type wind
INTERNATIONAL: Pandurangappa. C,”Effect of Gravitational Setting on the Pollutant Emitted from an Area Source along with the Point Source on the Boundary”, International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development, Vol 2(6), pp. 539-556, (2012). Pandurangappa. C, Lakkshminarayanachari, K, M. Venkatachalappa, “Effect of Mesoscale wind on the Pollutant Emitted from an Area Source of
National Conference Deepak V, Nagesh D, Dr. Manjunath S.H., Harish S. ,”STUDY OF VIBRATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR Al6061 REINFORCED WITH BORAX, GRAPHITE PARTICULATE MMCs” at JSSATE, Bangalore organized by Industrial Engineering Management.
International Journal Publications Anand Kumar, S., Ganesh Sundara Raman, S., Sankara Narayanan, T.S.N. and Gnanamoorthy,R., “Fretting Wear Behavior of Surface Mechanical Attrition Treated Alloy 718,” Surface & Coatings Technology, 206, (2012) pp 4425–4432. Anand Kumar, S., Ganesh Sundara Raman, S., Sankara Narayanan, T.S.N. and Gnanamoorthy, R., “Influence of Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment on Fretting Wear
International Journal M.N Shankar, Soma V. Setty, Uma Maheswar Goud “Effect of cryogenic treatment on hardness and tensile strength of Al-Mg-Si alloy. Aa 6XXXX”. International journal of mechanical and material science research. Volume 2,number 2(2012),pp.83-89 International Conference M.N Shankar, Soma V. Setty, Uma Maheswar Goud “cryogenic treatment of Al-Mg-Si alloy”. International conference on cryogenic treatment
National Conference Ramesha Gowda . N R, Pramod kumar . K, Guruswamy. K.M , Perumal. B.M, Jyothi. K, “Evaluation of hardness of Al 2024- Alumina-Graphite hybrid MMCs with varying Alumina particle size fabricated by stir casting method” published at national conference held at Ghousia College of Engineering in May 2015.
International Journal Mahendra H M,B S Praveen kumar,Puttaswamaiah.S, G.S Prakash, “Design And Crash Analysis Of a Rollcage For Formula SAE Race Car” published at International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology by,eISSN : 2319-1163/ pISSN : 2321-7308. International Conference Mahendra H M,Puttaswamaiah.S, G N Prakash, Maruthi, “Design And Crash Analysis Of a Rollcage For
International Journals: Veda D and Swetha K.H “Detecting Distributed Clustering and Routing for Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks International Journal Of Advance Innovations, Thoughts & Ideas, Volume 2, Issue 2 Veda D and Suma B “ Automatic road extraction from satellite image using Convolution overlap add method”, in I st International conference on” Innovation in computing
International Journal Papers Mr. Zaid Alam Khan , Mr. MdAzher , Mr. Kante Surya Chandra Rao , Ms. Neelu L “Security Based Pattern Classifiers”published at International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE) Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2015/IJERCSE-IFERP-DOI-7007 Impact factor : 1.064 Mr. Shashidhar.V, Mr. ArunaKumara.B, Ms. Neelu L, Mr. Bharath
INTERNATIONAL: Vijaykumar H.,Dr Sakey Shamu.,(2012), “Study On Fracture Parameters Of Scc And Steel Fiber Reinforced SCC(SFRSCC)-An Overview” International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459,ISO 9001;2008 Certified Journal, Volume no 2,Issue 12, December 2012, pp 498-508. Vijaykumar H.,Dr Sakey Shamu.,(2013), “Study On Fracture Parameters Of Scc -An Overview” International Journal Of Earth Science
REFERRED INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FACTOR JOURNALS K.Subashini, S.Palanivel, and V.Ramaligam,”Audio-video based segmentation and Classification using SVM and AANN”, IJCSER:Volume:53, NO.18, PP 0975-8887, SEPT 2012. K.Subashini, S.Palanivel, and V.Ramaligam,”Audio-video based classification using SVM and ANNN”, International Journal of Computer Application :Volume :44,No:6 ,PP. 0975-8887, April 2012. K.Subashini, S.Palanivel, and V.Ramaligam,”Audio-video based segmentation and classification using
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Mr. Shashidhar.V, Mr. Aruna Kumara.B, Ms. Neelu L, Mr. Bharath J “Digital Image Classification and Clustering” Presented at International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, pages 7 -14 held in Bengaluru May 2015, ISBN:97881958052 Ms. Neelu L, Mr. Aruna Kumara.B, Mr. Shashidhar.V, Mr. Bharath J “Secured Data Sharing in Cloud through
Presented a paper on “Army of Ants: Swarm Intelligence” at ICAOTE 2012. Presented a paper on “PRIVACY PRESERVING INFORMATION BROKERING VIA GENERIC KEY MANAGEMENT” at ICRIE 2014.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Ms.Janaki. K “Enhanced Image Compression Using Haar Wavelet Transform and adaptive median filter” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 15 (2015) pp 35441-35445 NATIONAL JOURNALS: Ms. Janaki.K “A Structure for Assortment of Best Cloud service provider using ranked voting method”, II National Conference on Real Time Systems ,
Published the paper “An Evolutionary Combinatorial Approach to Stumpy CMOS Transconductance Operational Apex Amplifier Design and Optimization” in ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics, ISSN: 2395-1680 (ONLINE), Vol: 09, Issue: 02, July 2023. Published the paper “BAYMAX: A Personal Healthcare Companion Robot” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), e-ISSN – 2348-1269, Vol 9, Issue
Conference Publications Paper presented on “Securing BGP using Symmetric Key Algorithm” at Jain University, Bangalore. Paper presented on “Wireless Telecare System for ICU of Hospitals Using Bluetooth and Embedded Technology” at Dr. TTIT, KGF Paper presented on “Implementation of Hybrid Encryption in VPN” at Dr. TTIT, KGF. Paper presented on “Implementation of Micro Controller based
Conference Publications: Minimizing the Energy consumption and Enhancing the Network Lifetime in WSN using Advanced LEACH Protocol, IEEE Digital Xplore, February 2023 Design and development of a Sewage Cleaning Mobile Robot, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, October 2022 Manasvita – Pre-Detection of Suicidal Tendencies, Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Aug, 2021 Color based
Publications: L. Rangaiah, K. Srinivasa Rao, Anil Kumar “Reduction of Co-Channel Interference in Cellular systems”, published by International Journal of Science and Technology (IJST), Vol:1, Issue:1, Nov 2010 PP: 45-49. L.Rangaiah, K. Srinivasa Rao, Anil Kumar “Conceptual and Optimization problems in wireless Ad-hoc sensor networks”. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technology (IJEECT), Vol:1,
INTERNATIONAL Ashwini.L.K published a paper on “Comparitive study on strength of ferrocement panels and normal cement mortar panels “ in IJST,Volume 3,Issue 4 ,April 2015. Ashwini.L.K published a paper on “Comparitive study on Non-Linear Analysis of Infilled frames for vertically irregular Buildings “ in IJEST,Volume 4,Issue 6 June 2015. A study on properties on Concrete
1.Presented a paper on “Army of Ants: Swarm Intelligence” at ICAOTE 2012. 2.Presented a paper on “PRIVACY PRESERVING INFORMATION BROKERING VIA GENERIC KEY MANAGEMENT” at ICRIE 2014.
Presented a paper entitled “Autonomous Garbage Collection System using IoT” in International Conference held at New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, May 2019. Published a paper entitled “A Review on DNA Based Cryptographic Techniques” in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) online ISSN No 2319-7064 Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014. Published a paper
K.R.Pavan Kumar , Prof. B.S.Usha “Implementation of low power ALU based on Nikhilam sutra ” Proceedings of National conference on Recent advances in Electronics and Communications Engineering , May 2013 Sangeetha. J.S , Prof. Sincy Elezebeth Kuruvilla , Prof.K.R.Pavan Kumar , “A Literature survey on Energy Efficient Solar Dishwasher” Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging
International Conference: “Very High Frequency Resonant Converters for LED Lighting” in the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (ICEECS-2014), organized by IRDINDIA, Proceedings Volume 2, held in Nagpur, on 20th April 2014. Electronic Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicle” in the First International Conference on Information and Communication Engineering (ICICE-2013), organized by Dept. of
National Conference Praveen M Koujalgi “Literature survey on Aerial Eye” National conference NCGEE-15 at Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Bengaluru on 17 APRIL 2015 Mohammad Anwar, Prof. Mahadevi Biradar, Pundaleek. B. K, Praveen M Koujagi “ generalised structures of flying capacitor multilevel inverter for switchmode power supply using PWM technique” proceedings of National Conference on
National conference Praveen A Patil, presented paper on “Low cost Inverter for solar based rural Electrification” National conference on EMERGING TRENDS IN SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY” at Sapthagiri college of Engineering Bengaluru on 17 MAY 2015. Praveen A Patil “Literature survey on Aerial Eye” National conference NCGEE-15 at Sri Krishna Institute of Technology Bengaluru on 17
National Conference Rashmi J V , presented paper on “Low cost Inverter for solar based rural Electrification” National conference on EMERGING TRENDS IN SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY” at Sapthagiri college of Engineering Bengaluru on 17 MAY 2015. Rashmi J V,presented paper on “A New control strategy for a doubly fed Induction Generator based wind power unit”
Journals Nandini N and Arun Kumar Y M “Experimental Implementation Of Petro ethanol Transition For Domestic/ Autogas Application” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) ISSN 0973-4562, Vol.10 , No.48,Pages : 32710- 32712, . Conferences and Seminar Presented a paper entitled “Wind driven Induction Generator For Supplying A DC Microgrid Using MPPT controller” in 8th
International Journal S.Krishna prasath and Mrs.R.Sridevi “Reversal the Power Flow in the Looped Electrical Network by Using a Cascaded H-bridge D-SSSC” International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) ISSN 2278-3091, Vol.2 , No.2,Pages : 216- 221, . National Conference: Geetha S, Divya M P,Poojitha K, Priyanka H,Prof.S.Krishna Prasath and Prof
International Journal R.Srimathi , D.Pradeepa , G. Vinodkumar published a paper titled “ A Novel compensator based four switched Buck converter in Journal of Electrical Engineering , Vol. 10, 2010./ Edition 4 (Page no: 109-114). National Conference G .Nethaji, S.Mallika, D.Pradeepa, “Analysis and design of KY boost converter using PI controller”, – 3rd International conference
National Conference “A research study on Solar Photovoltaic Module for Different Temperature and Wavelength using Matlab Simulation”, International Journal Of Electrical & Electronics Engineers(IJEEE)- (ISSN 2321-2055), Volume 08, Issue 01, Jan-July 2016 “Advanced Model Predictive temperature Control of Multiphase System Using LAB-VIEW technique”, International Journal of Current Research Volume 08, Issue 01, Page No: 25295-25299,
M. Ramamoorthy and M. Arunachalam, “A Solid-state Controller for Slip Ring Induction Motors”, 1977 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting Record. M. Ramamoorthy and M. Arunachalam, “Solid-state Control for Resistive Loads”, journal of Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers, 1977 vol.23, No.1, pp36-38. M. Ramamoorthy and M.Arunachalam, “Steady-state Analysis of Inverter Driven Induction Motor Using
INTERNATIONAL Abhish M.S, Kamalakara G.K and Srikanth M Nayak “Study on blended cement composites with 53 grade OPC composite for marine condition”, IJERT, Vol-4, March-2015.
INTERNATIONAL S.Sahana Sastry,Umadevi.R and Kavitha .S published a paper titled as ,”Seismic Performance of a RC frame with a soft storey Criteria”IJERT,Volume 4,Issue 3,March 2015 S.Sahana Sastry,Umadevi.R and Kavitha .S published a paper titled as Recycled Plastics and Crushed Rock Powder as Coarse aggregate and fine aggregate in structural concrete,IJERT Evaluation of Strength and Durability
INTERNATIONAL Veena N , Sayed Sulaiman presented paper titled on “ Comparative Study of effect Seismic and Wind load on Cooling Tower with A-frame column and H-frame column support” Vol.4(June-July 2013) ISSN2249-6149 Evaluation of Strength and Durability of Waste Plastic Mix,volume 5,Issue 3,July-Sep 2018,IJRAR Effect of Agave Fiber on the Strength Properties of Concrete with
NATIONAL Kamalakara G.K, Suresh kumar and Dr. M.S Amarnath“Fatigue performance studies of fiber Reinforced High Volume Fly Ash Concrete”, Article for Souvenir on 60th CRRI Foundation Day. 16th July 2012. INTERNATIONAL Kamalakara G.K, Suresh kumar and Dr. M.S Amarnath “Fatigue Analysis of High performance Cement Concrete for pavements using the probabilistic Approach”, IJETAE, Vol-2, PP
INTERNATIONAL: NATIONAL : D.P.Anup, Dr.K.Manjunath Presented a paper titled “Reliability Analysis of Steel Plate Girders” in ICICE National Conference 2013 on 26-09-2013 & 27-09-2013, at RRCE – Bangalore. D.P.Anup, Dr.K.Manjunath Presented a paper titled “Experimental study to obtain optimum percentage of GGBS in blended concrete” in Recent trends in civil engineering National Conference 2013 on
INTERNATIONAL: Vijaykumar H.,Dr Sakey Shamu.,(2012), “Study On Fracture Parameters Of Scc And Steel Fiber Reinforced SCC(SFRSCC)-An Overview” International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459,ISO 9001;2008 Certified Journal, Volume no 2,Issue 12, December 2012, pp 498-508. Vijaykumar H.,Dr Sakey Shamu.,(2013), “Study On Fracture Parameters Of Scc -An Overview” International Journal Of Earth Science
International V.A Kumaresan, M Thanikachalam & S. Ramachandran(2006), “Monitoring Coastal & Seafloor Changes in The Gulf Of Mannar, South East Coast of India Using Remote Sensing & GIS Technology. V.A Kumaresan, B.K. Ramaiah, & P. Purushothama Raj(1972), “ Stability Analysis of Slopes Subjected to Progressive Failure” Proceding III, Southeast Asian Conference on Civil Engineering Held
INTERNATIONAL: Govardhana Swamy H.S. and Dr.Shivapur (2009), ‘Use of Inclined compound Triangular Notch –Weir to improve discharge range Int. J. of Earth Sci. & Eng.Vol.No. 15.pp 87-96. Govardhana Swamy H.S., Venugopal K., K Sreenivasan (2004), ‘Application of Genetic Algorithm for hydrologic parameter Estimation in a rainfall-runoff model – A case study on Poondi basin, Tamilnadu’,
International Journal Mahendra H M,B S Praveen kumar,Puttaswamaiah.S, G.S Prakash, “Design And Crash Analysis Of a Rollcage For Formula SAE Race Car” published at International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology by,eISSN : 2319-1163/ pISSN : 2321-7308. International Conference Mahendra H M,Puttaswamaiah.S, G N Prakash, Maruthi, “Design And Crash Analysis Of a Rollcage For
International Journals Yellappa M, “Evaluation of flexural strength of coir fiber reinforced polymer composite” published at International JournalVol-1, issue-10,ISSN(2274-77844)journal name- IJAIR 2013. Yellappa M, “Production of bio-diesel from milk dairy wash water” published at International JournalIJAIR, Vol.2, Issue 8, Aug 2013ISSN: 2278-7844. Yellappa M, “Development & characterization of high performance reinforced-fiber & glass fiber composite”
International Journal Study on heat transfer during rectangular slot air jet impingement on curved surfaces”, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Research India Publication, ISSN 0973-6085, Volume-12, Number-2, 2017, pp 209-226. “Experimental and Computational Analysis of Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow & Pressure Distribution of Multi-Jet Impingement Cooling on Concave Surfaces” International Journal of Engineering
International Journal Vishwanath K.C “Corrosion Studies of Al7075/Silicon Carbide Composites in Acid Chloride Medium” to International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, (special issue-issue 5 volume 5), ISSN 2249-9954, Available online on Vishwanath K.C “Investigation of Effect of Friction Stir Drilling Parameters on Elastoplastic Behaviour of Al Alloy” to International Journal of Mechanical
International Conference Madhusudhana. M, “ Influence of Rotational speed on properties of centrifugal casting”, International Conference on Advanced Materials held on 19th and 20th August 2011 at SJCIT, Chickballapur. International journal of advanced research and innovative ideas in education on “ fabrication of voice operated exoskeleton” Volume-5, issue 3,2019. National Conference Madhusudhana. M, “Characterization of
National Conference Ravi Kumar. T, JogiAdarsh S, Radhakrishna.R.K, “Fracture toughness of Sisal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Emerging Trends in Science & Technology held at Sapthagiri College of Engineering on 12th May 2015.
1 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research International Journal Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Woven Hybrid Bamboo and Jute Fibers Reinforced Epoxy Composites International Journal of Scientific Research In Engineering And Management (IJSREM) Volume: 03 Issue: 07 | July -2019, Issn: 2590-1892 2 National Conference held at Cambridge University on 3 rd
Attended Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Participated in Vijay Zaveri center for composites sponsored (ISAMPE) on “FRP Composite Fabrication Techniques” at Dr. AIT, Bangalore, held during 15th to 20th September 2003. Participated in the AICTE sponsored Two weeks staff Development Programme “Emerging Trends in Energy Sources” at Ghousia college of engineering, Ramanagaram, held during 13th to 24th June 2011.
1 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 20/04/2016 International Journal Design, Analysis (CFD) and Development of Fertilizers Injection System for Irrigation 2 Modern Trends In Mechanical Engineering-MTME’17 20/05/2017 National Conference Survey on Development of CZTS Thin Film Solar Cells 3 Modern Trends in Mechanical Engineering-MTME’18 25/05/2018 National Conference Fabrication of CZTS
National Conference JogiAdarsh S, Radhakrishna.R.K, Ravi Kumar. T, “Fracture toughness of Sisal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites”, Emerging Trends in Science & Technology held at Sapthagiri College of Engineering on 12th May 2015. Jogi Adarsh, Vishwanath K.C, Ranjeet Singh , Ajay Prajapati , “Emission control using groove technology trial and error method to get design specification”,
International Journals K Shivalingaiah, KS Sridhar, D Sethuram , K V Shivananda Murthy , Praveennath G Koppad and CS Ramesh, “HVOF sprayed Inconel 718/cubic boron nitride composite coatings: microstructure, micro hardness and slurry erosive behavior “, Materials Research express, volume 6,Number 12, 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd, 1265i8,ISSN 2053-1591, Impact factor-1.449 K.Shivalingaiah and M. Eswaramoorthy, “Analysis
1 International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research International Journal Fully Interpenetrating Polymer Network from Natural Rubber and Guar Gum for the preparation of Nanocomposites. 2 Journal of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering. International Journal Fully Interpenetrating Polymer Network from Natural Rubber and Guar Gum. 3 National Conference on” Emerging trends in Applied Sciences, ETAS-17”
International Journals Thanuj Kumar .M, Dr. M. S. Bhagyashekar, “Tribological Behaviour Of Epoxy Composite Containing Flyash/Silicon Carbide Particulates” at National Conference on “Trends & Innovation in Automation, Materials and thermal Engineering, TIAMTE-2015”, on 21st & 22nd May 2015, at VTU, PG Center, Mysuru. International Conference Thanuj Kumar .M, M A Md. Aqhil Ahmed, S. K.
N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, S. Gowreesh Subramanya, K.C. Vishwanath, S. Kanchiraya , M. Karthikeyan, “Enhancing the thermal efficiency of parabolic trough collector using rotary receiver tube”,, 51. 2022, Elsevier Ltd. Scopus index, Abdul Rajak Kaldgi, Vishwanath K C, N. Sreenivasalu Reddy, and Chandrasekhar,“Transient Heat Transfer Analysis Of Dimpled Rod”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and
International Journal S G Sangashetty & Dr.P. S. Kutty, “Effect of ambient temperature on the performance of thermal power plant”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 3, 2011, pp.440-445. S G Sangashetty, “Flow system design and evaluation of solar water flat plate collector”, International conference on advanced materials & manufacturing and thermal science, Vol.
Published paper titled “Design and Modeling of Special purpose Machine for Regaining Shaft and Packet from Defective Armature” in the national conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NATCON15) organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering on 21st May 2015 at Ghosia College of engineering. Published paper tittled “Elasto-Plastic Stress-Strain Behavior of Notched Specimen under
Electrochemical Studies of Aluminium 7075 Alloy in Green Tea Leaf Powder as an Efficient Green InhibitorRD Pruthviraj, AA JahgirdharBulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry 42 (2), 51-56 Development of Al2014/Nano CarbonBlack Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites R Ghogge, RD PruthvirajBulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry 42 (2), 76-84 Corrosion Studies of Mild Steel by using
National Conference Presented a paper titled “An Overview of Routing Attacks and Prevention Measures in WSN” in the National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (NCICT-11) Presented a paper titled “Wireless Sensor Network Security Enhancement Using Rendezvous Based Trust Propagation” in ICCTEM-2012 organized by VVCE, Mysore.
International Journals Published a paper in International Journal (IJEIT) on “Predictive Pre-Emptive Ad-Hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol For Manet” held on December 2013.
International Journals Dr.R.Balakrishna, Nandish U.G, Ananda Kumar K.S, Naveen L “Detecting and Preventing Security Threats on Servers and Browsers”, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 63-68. ISSN: 2249 071X. Ananda Kumar K.S, Dr.R.Balakrishna, Nandish U.G, Naveen L “A Social Networking (Orkut) On Local Area Network with Client Server
Workshops, Seminars and FDPs: Invited as a resource person on 14/3/2014 at 11-30 am to 1-00pm on “Introduction on SSI &motivation “ in entrepreneurship awareness camp at DBIT Sponsored by VTU. Invited as a resource person on 5/3/2014 at 11-30 am to 12-30pm on “Inception on SSI & Background” in entrepreneurship awareness camp at RRCE
International Journals: Kiran Gowda C, K C Gowda, Naveen L, Nandish U G, “Practical approaches for Estimating End-to-End Delay in MultiHop Networks”, International Journals of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), Vol 4, Issue 7, July 2014, ISSN: 2277 128X Kiran Gowda.C, K.C.Gouda, K.Raghuveer, Kumuda.M.N, “End-to-End Delay caused by M/M/1 Queuing Model”,
INTERNATIONAL Vinutha H, published a paper on “Communication System for blind, deaf and dumb people using internet of things”, in IRJET, Volume :06 Issue:04| May 2019, e-ISSN:2395-0056. Vinutha H , Published a paper on “Security on IOT”in -International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology | Volume 4 | Issue 12| May 2018, ISSN :2349-6002. Vinutha
International Journals K S Ananda Kumar, R Balakrishna; “Evaluation of Energy Consumption Using Receiver–Centric MAC Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks” in International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol 8, No 1, Feb 2018, IJECE, ISSN: 2088-8708. (SCOPUS Indexed Journal). K S Ananda Kumar, R Balakrishna; “An Improved Receiver – Centric MAC Protocol for Effective
International/National Journals/UGC Care Scopus/Web of Science Publications International/ National Conferences Ph.D. Awarded Ph.D. Guiding Patents Filed / Granted / Published Funded Projects Completed Books Workshops 57 40 34 10 5 30 5 5 36 View Publication Details Patents Dr.R.Balakrishna, “Health Monitoring System based on Internet of Things Devices and AWS”, Indian Patent Application No
Santhosh. G “Memory Power Management via Dynamic Voltage & Frequency Scaling” at BIT on 30th & 31st October 2012 in National Conference. “A novel approach of geo fencing and geo-tagging system based sea border identification using embedded system”. At RRCE in International conference in the year 2015.
Publications: Design and development of advanced microcontroller based solar battery charger and solar tracking system, IJRET, 3, 36-41, 2014 Review on cross layer hybrid scheme in WMSNS using error correcting codes for energy efficiency, IJARIIE, volume 2, issue 5, 315-322, 2017. Security surveillance rover with soldier health monitoring using image processing, IJIEMR, volume 8, issue
Seema. K. U, “A Prelimnary Survey on next generation networks based on PON and its power efficiency”, National Conference on Advanced Communication Trends at RRCE, Bangalore, Aug 2012.
Publications: Total 8 Publications
Publications: “Neuro Fuzzy Model Based Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks” I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2022, 6, 54-75 Published Online on December 8, 2022 by MECS Press ( DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2022.06.05 “Optimization in the Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol.” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2022. 1-11. 10.1155/2022/7322291. “Implementation of Authentication of Web
Aruna S, “Automated Glaucoma Detection System Based on Wavelet Energy Features and ANN”, International Conference on Advances in computing, Communications and Informatics”, GCET New Delhi, Oct 2014. Aruna S, “Smart card based electronic voting system using finger print”, NCVCS, SKIT, Bangalore, May 2014. Aruna.S, “A Generalised Embedded Web Server Based On Wireless Sensor Networks”, National
Journal Publications “Design of transition time adjustment technique for reducing bus delay effects on NOC interconnects” by Meera KS, Jisha. P, Lakshmi C R. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, e-ISSN: 0975-5462, p-ISSN: 2278-9510, Vol. 5 No. 04S Apr 2013, Page Nos. 15-22. Study of Bad Block Management and Wear leveling in NAND Flash
International Journals: “Oscillation control electronics for a Quartz Tuning Fork Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)“in “International Conference on Control, Communication and Computer Technology (ICCCCT- 2011)” at Bhubaneswar in August 2011. “Routing Aware Scan Reodering for Minimizing the Power”in Two Day International Conference on “Recent Trends in Signal Processing, Image Processing & VLSI” at DBIT, Bangalore in
International Journals: Published a paper titled on “Efficient computation of 12 bit Pipelined ADC using 180 nm C-MOS technology” at International Journal of VLSI Design on Jul-Dec 2010. Published a paper titled on “Edge Detection Techniques in Digital and Optical Image Processing”at International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol 4,Issue 5, May 2014 Published a
Publications: V. Sreepathi “Controlling multi motors using single microcontroller”, WORLD COMP’08, CHICAGO, U S A. V. Sreepathi, Dr. Ashok Kusagur, “Novel Development of Fuzzy Control Strategy of an AC Drive in Power Electronic Based Systems” in International Conference on Emerging Computation & Information Technologies ICECIT-2013 at Siddaganga Institute Of Technology, Tumkur-3, India on Nov.
International Journal: Vijaya S.M and Suresh K, “An Efficient Design Approach of ROI Based DWT Using Vedic and Wallace Tree Multiplier on FPGA Platform” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN: 2088-8708, Volume-9, No-4, pp. 24333-2442, August 2019. Vijaya S.M and Suresh K, “ICRODI: Image Compression of Region of Diagnostics Interest (RODI) using Layer
L. Swarna jyothi, Dr. A.S Manjunath, (2007) “Constraint based verification using RTL approach-using System Verilog-for University Education” IMS Conference- 2007, Trends in VLSI and Embedded System, 17- 18 August 2007 ,Chandigarh, India L.Swarna jyothi, Janardhana D, Dr.A.S.Manjunath, Dr.Sudarshan patilkulkarni , (2008) “EDAKB – A Web Enabled Guide-for students, researchers and professionals to know all about
Published a paper on “Handwriting identification using ANFIS” with authors T.Devi, Dr.S.Prasanna Devi has published in the International Journal of Social Science Research(JSSR),2014.
Published a paper on “Mining Association Rules between Sets of Item in Large Databases”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering, Vol-1,Issue-5, Page no 24-27, April 15, 2013. Published a paper on “Elastic Routing Table with provable performance and fast lookups in Distributed Networks”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering, Vol-1, Issue-5,
International Journals Published paper by name“ Concurrent data upload for traffic simulation in WSN”- In 2ndInternational Journal of Computer Science & Technology Allies in Research (ICCSTAR 2017) at City Engineering College, Bengaluru. Published paper by name“ Comparisons of Data Mining methods for Customer Churn Prediction”- In International Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol 12, No
V.M.Saravanaperumal (2015), “Implementing Efficient Prediction Based Authentication Beacons For Vehicular Adhoc Networks”, has been published in IJITR (Vol-3, Issue-5, August – September 2015). V.M.Saravanaperumal (2015), “Automatic Code Smell Discovery and Oath by Using Search Based Refactoring”, has been published in IJAICT (Volume 2, Issue 04, August 2015). V.M.Saravanaperumal (2015)” Transmission Of Data For Cluster Based
Journal Papers: Mr.Bharath J, Ms Vaishnavi.P , Ms. Sandhya.H , Ms. Shalini.R, Ms. Roopashree.R “CAMPUS NAVIGATION BASED ON IOT”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education(IJARIIE), Vol-2 Issue-5,C-1586, Page No:239-243, ISSN(O)-2395-4396, May 2017. Mr.Bharath J, Chandrashekar M S, Subhash B N, Satish V “Enhancing Computer Inspection Using Document Clustering for Analysis”, International
Aruna Kumara B “Cloud Computing Changing the Education”, presented in a National Conference FCST’12, page 377-382 held at RajaRajeswari College of Engg. Bangalore Aruna Kumara B “Secured Localization in mobile wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks”, presented in a International Conference on Networks and Cyber Security from 5th -6th January 2012 at SRK IT, Vijayawada, Andhra
International Conference Papers: Neelu L “ Secure and Dependable Network Coding for the Storage Repair in a Cloud of Clouds”, Presented at International Conference on emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, pages 39-42 held in Bengaluru 26th April 2015 Neelu L “ Implementation of Driver Drowsiness Detection and Accident Avoidance in vehicles – A review”,
Nandini G, Dr. Anitha J,” Multicasting in wireless sensor networks- A survey on existing techniques. In First National Conference on green Computing Technologies NCGCT-2015 7th May 2015, ISBN:978-93-84935-31-3, Shilpa.B H, Anitha k, Nandini G, “Privacy preserving Dynamic groups for data sharing in cloud in National conference on frontiers of computer science FCS’14 ,May 17, 2014.
Anitha K “A Scheduled Based MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network:A Survey”, Ist International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Networking ,at RRCE 12-13 May 2016, ISSN:0975-0282,Page No 182-186. Anitha K “Implementaion of an Efficient MongoDB NOSQL Explorer for Bog Data Visualization” Ist International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Networking ,at RRCE 12-13 May
INTERNATIONAL: “A Safe and Power Professional Routing technique In ADHOC Networks” Intentional conference on Cloud Computing and Service Engineering, CLUSE-2012, held on 12th-13th April-2012, Pages: 277-282, RRCE, B’lore. “Secured Localization in mobile wireless ad hoc and sensor networks “Intentional Conference on Networks and Cyber Security ICNCS, held on 5th -6th Jan-2012 at SRKIT, Vijayawada, A.P.,
Presented a National Conference paper on Frontiers of Computer Science on “ Simple Android Connection Manager” on May 2014 at Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Presented a National Conference paper on “Network Technologies” in COMET on May 2010 at RVS Engineering college, Dindigul, Tamilnadu. Presented a National Conference paper on “Emerging Technologies in Software
“An Generic Cloud Framework for Cloud Based Applications”, published in “1st International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Networking (ICICN-16)”, IJANA, Page No 502-506, ISSN 0975-0282, May – 2016 “Live Website Traffic Analysis Integrated with Improved Performance for Small Files Using Hadoop”, published in “1st International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Networking (ICICN-16)”, IJANA,
International Journal “Customer behavior of Web Server Logs Using HIVE in Hadoop Framework” Published in International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications (IJANA-2016), ISSN 0975-0282,SE, 409-412 “Internet of Things for Environment Monitoring” Published In International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications (IJANA-2016), ISSN 0975-0282,SE, 497-501 “EAMC Using Fog Computing and RRP for Emergency Alert Service”
National Conferences : Privacy preserving Data mining. Knowledge & cache Analysis in Data mining. Thoughts on protocol Architecture for Vehicular Ad-hoc networks. Metrics performance evolution of safety application in Vehicular Ad-hoc networks. Secured wireless sensor networks. Virtual keyboard Reactive & proactive Routing protocols in MANETS. Performance Issues on AODV & DSDV for MANETS. Creating a
Referred International Journals: Empowering Multi-Hop Communication for Hybrid WSNs using Transmit-Only nodes. Serial and Parallel Implementation of shortest path algorithm in the optimization of Public Transport Travel An Estimate of Heuristic approach to obtain the shortest path for real road public transport network. Vehicle Tracking System and Minimization of dead mileage. Referred International Conferences: A
Sarfaraz Ahmed.A, Senthil Kumaran.T and Subburam.S (March 2015)“Cross-Layer Design Approach for Power Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” for the Egyptian Informatics Journal Vol 16(1) pages 1-7 (SNIP) : 0.857(SJR) : 0.252 Subburam.S and Sheik Abdul Khader.P (August 2013) “An Efficient Broadcasting method Along With Rebroadcast Probability for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks” for the National Conference
Text book Computer Organization (for B.E, 4th sem CSE / ISE) – Dr. B.S. Pradeep, 1st edition, Sapna Book House (P) Ltd., 2009. Journals & (02 Papers communicated) a. Role of ANN in Secured Wireless Multicast Routing during Dynamic channel allocation forser demanded packet optimality– Pradeep.B.S, Soumya.S. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications,
HIGHQ-RANKS JOURNALS(SCI/SCOPUS/WEB OF SCIENCE INDEXED WITH IMPACT FACTOR) Usha S Anitha K(2019)” A Simplified MAC Protocol for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Network” Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 03-Special Issue, 2019./p> Usha S, Neha Singhal(2019) “Efficient Microservices Discovery and Selection Based on QoS Ontology a Data Mining Approach” International
“Sleep Scheduling System for critical Event Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in National Conference on Frontiers and Advances in Information Science and Technology, FAIST 2013, RRCE, Bangalore, India. ISBN: 978-762-05-0050-7
“Challenges in Implementation of E-Governance on Cloud- A Survey” in International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Engineering, CLUSE- 2012, India. “Spy Droid – A Spy System on Android”, in National Conference on Frontiers and Advances in Information Science and Technology , FAIST 2013, RRCE, Bangalore, India. ISBN: 978-762-05-0050-7. “Implementation of Android Developer on Eclipse
“A New Algorithm for Flexible and Optimal Path Identification in Smarter Sensor Networks”, Communicated to World Congress on Computing and Communication Technologies (WCCCT) 2014 to be held at St Joseph College, Trichy, India, Feb 2014. Indexed in Scopus. “An Optimal Algorithm for the flexible Maneuverability in Smart Sensor Networks (SSNs), communicated to International Conference on
“Cognitive Agent Based Context Aware Image Fusion in Wireless Military Sensor Network”, International Conference on Research in Business Management & Information Technology, 2015, RNSIT, Bangalore, India. ISBN: 978-81-930411-5-4 “A Survey on Performance of QoS Among Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols”, 6th National Women’s Science Congress – 2013, Raichur, India. “Spy Droid- A Spy System on