
Publication of Dr.H.Vijaykumar

Papers published in Journal Papers

    1. Vijayakumar.H and SakeyShamu, Published “Study on fracture parameters of SCC and steel fiber reinforced SCC(SFRSCC)- An overview” International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering(ISSN 2250-2459,ISO 9001;2008 certified journal),Volume -2,Issue- 12, December 2012,pp 498-508.

    2. Vijayakumar.H and SakeyShamu, Published. “Study on fracture parameters of SCC-An overview” International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering (IJEE) (ISSN-0974-5904), Volume 06, Issue-06 (01), December 2013, pp 1674-1683.

    3. Vijayakumar.H and SakeyShamu. Published “A critical study on the influence of steel fiber on the performance of fresh and hardened self-compacting concrete”, ‘Journal of Structural Engineering (JoSE)’ CSIR-SERC, Chennai, Volume 42, No 3, August-September 2015, pp 237-245.

    4. H.Vijayakumar and Sakeyshamu., Published “Fracture model prediction for self-compacting concrete using bi-linear softening” The international reviewer( ISSN 2395-1575),Volume 4,Issue 2,July- December 2017,pp.29-34.

Presentation in National/International conferences

    1. Presented and published a technical paper entitled “Study on fracture parameters of SCC-An overview “in an international conference on current trends in engineering and management(ICCTEM 2012) organized by VidyaVardhak College of Engineering, Mysore held during July 12-14, 2012.

    2. Presented and published a paper titled study on “Fracture parameters of self-compacting concrete and steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete-An overview “in a two days national conference on advances in earth sciences, structural, geotechnical and earthquake engineering (AESG2E-2012) organized by the Department of Civil Engineering in association with CAFET-INNOVA technical society, Hyderabad at ChaitanyaBharathi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad-500075,during 4th and 5th ,October 2012,pp 363 376.

    3. Presented and published a paper titled “Fracture model prediction for self-compacting concrete using bi-linear softening” in the one day national students’ Conference on “ EXPLORATIONS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING” (ExCE-17) held on 1st June 2017 organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Ghousia college of Engineering,Ramanagaram-562159,Karnataka.