
Publication of Dr.K.Aravinthan


    1. Aravinthan. K, Sivakumar. N, Rajeshwaran. K, Sundaram. S. P, Praveen Kumar. G, 2017, ‘Study on Strength Parameters of In-Situ Fly Ash Based GEO Polymer Concrete with Nitobond PVA’, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Print ISSN: 2395-6011, Online ISSN: 2395-602X, Volume 3 Issue 4, pp.01-06, May-June.

    2. Aravinthan.K, Venkatasubramani.R, Srisanthi.V.G, Ajith Kumar.K, Eeshwaran.R, Sarupriya.S, Vanmathi, V, 2017, Optimum Usage Of Nano Silica And Silica Fume For Increasing The Strength Of Concrete, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017, pp. 1802-1809.

    3. K.Aravintha, I.Padmanaban, R.Kaviraj, P.S.Santhosh, P.Sasi Immanu, A.P.Vignesh, 2017, A Case Study On Necessity Of Retrofitting The Existing Structure Against Seismic Force, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 5 Issue X, October 2017, pp. 1005-1016.

    4. Aravinthan K, &Anitha Joy, 2016, ‘Analytical Study of Fixed and Base Isolated Frame Structure’, International journal of engineering science and Computing, vol.6, no.6, June2016, pp. 6844-6848., ISSN 2321 3361, ANNEXURE-II. SJIF –4.5.

    5. Aravinthan K,&Sebin Mathew, 2016, ‘Investigation of a Framed Structure with and Without Infill by Dynamic Experimental Analysis’, International Journal of engineering science and Computing, vol.6, no.6, pp. 6977-6981., ISSN 2321 3361, ANNEXURE-II. SJIF –4.5.

    6. Aravinthan K, Ramu R, Sarathkumar V & Kokila K, 2016, ‘Harmonic shake table test on hybrid spherical rollers’, International journal of engineering science and Computing, vol.6, no.8, June-2016, pp.2947-2950., ISSN 2321 3361, ANNEXURE-II. SJIF –4.5

    7. Aravinthan K, & Aswathy S, 2016, ‘Experimental Study on The Seismic Performance of Knee Braced and Unbraced Frames, ‘International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 03 no. 05, pp. 1480 – 1486,ISSN: 2395 -0056,.SJIF –5.4

    8. Aravinthan.K,& GobhigaSekar, 2016,’Design of Earthquake resistant R.C.C. Soft storied structure with shear wall and bracing’, IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), vol.6, no.2, pp. 51-54, ISSN: 2250-3498, GIF-0.654.

    9. Aravinthan.K, VenkateshBabu.D.L, & Prince Arulraj.G, 2016,‘Need of Efficient Hybrid Base Isolation Technology from Current Practice’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 557-563,ISSN 0973-4562, ANNEXURE-II, Version -2014.2,SJR-0.13.

    10. Aravinthan.K, VenkateshBabu.D.L, & Prince Arulraj.G, 2016,‘Analytical And Experimental Analysis Of Base Isolated Structure With Hybrid Spherical Roller (HSR)’,


    1. 1. Aravinthan.K, Venkatesh Babu.D.L,& Prince Arulraj.G,2015, ‘Experimental Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structure with Base Isolation’, 5th Structural Engineers World Congress, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, paper – #1570066333 “.

    2. Design Of Earthquake Resistant Soft-storied RCC Structure with Shear Wall and Bracings – National Conference By SNS College of Engineering, Mar-14.

    3. Design of Base Isolated RCC Structure with Elastomeric Bearing for a School Building. – National Conference by SNS College of Engineering, Mar-14.

    4. Design of Base Isolated RCC Structure with Friction Pendulum for a Hospital Building. – National Conference by SNS College of Engineering, Mar-14.

    5. “Study on Microstructure of Fly Ash Aggregate Concrete” In International Conference – Sri Subramaniya College Of Engineering and Technology, March-14.

    6. “Utilization Of Flyash For Construction Industry In South India” In International Conference Conducted By Sri Subramaniya College Of Engineering And Technology, March-14.

    7. “Construction Of Highway Pavement By Using Fly Ash As Soil Stabilizer “In National Conference – S.N.S. College Of Technology, April-13.

    8. “Micro-Structural Analysis of Fly Ash Aggregate Concrete” In National Conference – M. P.Nachimuthu Jaganathan Engineering College, March-11.


    1. Lectured two-days workshop for C.S.I. College of Engineering-Ooty, M.E. students, and staffs on advanced structural engineering lab, May/2014.

    2. Seminar Presentation for faculty members and research scholars – “Experimental Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Framed Structure with Base Isolation” in SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, June/2014.

    3. Guest lecture for one full day on “Finite Element Analysis” for Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology-Coimbatore, Staffs, and students, April/2016.

    4. Seminar Presentation for faculty members and research scholars – “Experimental Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Framed Structure with Base Isolation” in Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Feb 2017.

    5. Guest lecture for one full day on “”Linear Harmonic Shake Table Test on Hybrid Spherical Rollers.” for ACS College of Engineering Bangalore, Staffs, and students, July/2017.

    6. Guest lecture – two days on “Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering for students and staffs,KGISL Institute of Technology,Coimbatore, October/2018.

    7. Dr.K.Aravinthan, Patent published in the title “BASE ISOLATION TECHNIQUE FOR STRUCTURES WITH HYBRID SPHERICAL ROLLERS (HSR)” in 2019.