
Publication of Dr. P. Ebby Darney


    1. P. Ebby Darney B. Dora Arul Selvi, “Fuzzy-Based Commutation Torque Ripple Minimization And Power Factor Correction Using Modified Sepic- PFC Converter,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.19, pp. 145-152, 2019. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.68]

    2. P. Ebby Darney and B. Dora Arul Selvi, “SEPIC Converter Based Power Factor Correction and Commutation Torque Ripple Minimization in Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic,” J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. Vol.14, pp.5270–5277, 2017. [SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.22]

    3. Y. Harold Robinson, E. Golden Julie, I. Jeena Jacob, T. Samraj Lawrence, V. Saravanan, P. Ebby Darney, “Enhanced Energy Profcient Encoding Algorithm for Reducing Medium Time in Wireless Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications, March 2021. [Impact Factor :1.20]

    4. I. Jeena Jacob & P. Betty & P. Ebby Darney & S. Raja, Y. Harold Robinson & E. Golden Julie, “Biometric template security using DNA codec based transformation,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, October 2020 [Impact Factor : 2.313]

    5. I. Jeena Jacob, K.G. Srinivasagan, P.Ebby Darney, K. Jayapriya,”Deep Learned Inter-Channel Colored Texture Pattern: A new Chromati-Texture Descriptor,” Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer, Vol.23, 239–251 (2020). [SCIE, Impact Factor : 1.512]

    6. Jayapriya, K., I.Jeena Jacob, and P.Ebby Darney, Hyperspectral image classification using multi-task feature leverage with multi-variant deep learning. Earth Science Informatics, pp.1-10, July 2020. [SCIE, Impact Factor : 1.2]

    7. P. Ebby Darney, I. Jeena Jacob, “Performance Enhancements Of Cognitive Radio Networks Using The Improved Fuzzy Logic,” Journal of Softcomputing Paradigm, Vol.1, Issue.2, pp. 57-68, 2019

    8. B Ramesh, P Ebby Darney, S Jackulin Gnana Permila,” A Fuzzy SMC Controlled BLDC Motor,” International Journal of Innovative Works in Engineering and Technology, Vol.1, Issue.3, pp. 84-93, 2018.

    9. Aravind S, P.Ebby Darney, “Closed Loop Control of PWM based Soft Switched Non-Isolated DC-DC Boost Converter”, in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). ISSN: 2278-0181, Volume 3, Issue 05.

    10. Johnny Adline. G, Ebby Darney. P,” Fuzzy Based Improvement of Power Quality in 1-Φ Grid-Connected PWM Voltage Source Inverter”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 4, 1 ISSN 2250-3153, April 2014

    11. A.Gnana Saravanan, R.Arul Jose, P.Ebby Darney, S.Siva Samuthira Pandian, K.Mariappan, “Stability Prediction of Soft Switched Isolated DC-DC Converter,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol.9, Issue.2, pp. 2278-3075, 2019

    12. Harold Robinson, Y., Jeena Jacob, I., Golden Julie, E., Ebby Darney, P., “Hadoop mapreduce and dynamic intelligent splitter for efficient and speed transmission of cloud-based video transforming,” 2019 (IEEE Xplore)

    13. I.Jeena Jacob, K.G.Srinivasagan, S. Gomathi, M. P. Joyce Beryl Princess, P.Betty, .P.Ebby Darney, “Tri-Chrominance Texture Pattern: A New Feature Descriptor,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7, pp.15-20, 2018

    14. T.Ramachandran , P. Ebby Darney , T. Sreedhar,. “Single Phase Thirty One Level Inverter Using Eight Switches Towards the Reduction,” International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research, Vol.5, Issue.7,40-46,2018.

    15. P.Ebby Darney, I.Jeena Jacob, D.C. Joy Winnie Wise, P.Betty, “Face Recognition system using Local Texture and Spatial Colour Layout,” Journal of Xidian University, Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 872-876, 2020.

    16. I.Jeena Jacob, P.Ebby Darney, P.Betty, “Face Recognition system using Local Object Appearance and Spatial Colour Layout,” Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume XII, Issue III, pp. 5204- 5214. 2020


    1. P.Ebby Darney presented paper titled “Closed Loop Control of PWM based Soft Switched Non-Isolated DC-DC Boost Converter”, in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics Engineering and Technology (NCETET ‘15) held on April 8th & 9th 2015.

    2. P.Ebby Darney presented paper titled “Web Based Intelligent Industrial Automation”, in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation and Communication Technologies (ETICT-2006) held on March 16th & 17th 2006.

    3. P.Ebby Darney presented paper titled “Mobile Robot Path Tracking and Control Using Artificial Intelligence”, in National Conference on Intelligent Computing in Communication and Automation (NCACCA-2005) held on April 1st & 2nd 2005.

    4. R.Dharmaraj, S.Gopikumar, P.Ebby Darney, S.Uma, S.Sundararajan,U.Muthuraman and S.Maruvarasan, ” Appraisal of Green Construction Material by Optimising the Strength of Tannery Sludge Concrete,” International Conference on. Chemical, Mechanical and Environmental Sciences held on 25th – 26th March 2021.