
Publication of Mr.Deepak .S

International Journals

    1. “Properties of Municipal solid waste incinerator ash in concrete”, International journals of engineering and computer science, IJECS, ISSN:2319-7242, PP: 12322-12326, Volume 4, issue 6, June 2015

    2. “Strength and Durability Parameters of MSWI Ash in Concrete” McGraw-Hill Education:2015, ICCT-2015, PP. 129-134

    3. “Study on behavior of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash”, IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 5, Issue 06, 2017 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

    4. “Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete with Municipal Solid Waste Bottom Ash from Incinerator” ,SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering (SSRG-IJCE) – volume 3 Issue 7 – July 2016

    5. “Study on MSW incinerator ash in concrete with partial replacement of cement in RC beam.”

National Level Conference:

    1. “Properties of Municipal solid waste incinerator ash in concrete”, at Mechmanthana & Pradarshana’15, ME organized at EPCET, Bangalore, 2015

    2. “Utilization of municipal solid waste in concrete” 8th KSTA Annual Conference on SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR GenNext URBAN SPACE at BIT Nov 5th and 6th – 2015

International Level Conference:

    1. Second International Conference on Concrete and Construction Technology, Dec 3-4, 2015. ICCT-2015 at VVIT Bengaluru, India.

National Level Project Execution:

    1. “Properties of Municipal solid waste incinerator ash in concrete”, at Mechmanthana & Pradarshana’15, ME organized at EPCET, Bangalore, 2015