
Publication of Ms. Poonam Kumari

    1. Poonam Kumari “Link and Rate Selection for Point –to-Point 60Ghz Networks”, National Conference FCST’12 on 12-14th FEB, ISBN : 978-16-2050-050-7

    2. Poonam Kumari “Hacker Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks”, National Conference FCST’12 on 12-14th FEB, ISBN: 978-16-2050-050-7

    3. Poonam Kumari “Web monitoring via SMS using android phone” , National conference ISTE on 30th April 2014 at SSEC.

    4. Poonam Kumari ,”Security controls in Android systems”, national conference(FCS’14) on May 15-17 2014 at DBIT

    5. “Web monitoring via SMS using android phone”, International conference ICCC on August 21st -23rd 2014 at VVIT ISBN:978-93-5107-269-0.

    6. Poonam Kumari, “E-Notifier: An android application for event notification”, National Conference on “Real time systems” NCRTS-2015 on 14-15 May 2015.

    7. Poonam Kumari ,”Permission management in android system”, National Conference on NCRTS-2015 on 14-15 May 2015

    8. Poonam Kumari ,” Approaches to content based image retrieval”, International Conference on ICICN-2016 on 13-15 May 2016

    9. Poonam Kumari,” Approaches to content based image retrieval”, International Journal of advanced Networking and Applications on 13-15 May 2016, ISSN:0975-0282, impact factor:3.462, ICV 5.93 points.