
Publications of Ambika Lg

    1. Published a paper on “Chronic Liver Disease Prediction Analysis Based on Impact of Life Quality Attributes” in IJRTE, ISSN: 2277-3878 Vol.7, Issue-6S5, April 2019.

    2. Published a paper on “Smart City For Ambulance Using Rf Communication” in Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJESR), ISSN 2348 – 8034,imp factor 5.070,2019.

    3. Presented a paper on “App Based Instant bed and Blood Booking for Hospitals with Systematic Facility Management System Using Rasberry_Pi” in Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches(GJESR), ISSN 2348 – 8034,imp factor 5.070,2019.

    4. Ambika L G “A social compute clod :allocating and sharing infrastructure resources via social networks” in the second international conference on recent advances and engineering (ICRASE-2015) held at Bengalore on 8th and 10th may2015.

    5. Ambika L G, Anitha T N , Bharathi M “A clod –based venue recommendation framework on mobicontext” in the 1st international conference on innovations in computing and networking organised by RRCE, Bangalore-74 held during 12th -13th may 2016.

    6. Ambika L G, Anitha T N , Bharathi M “A clod –based venue recommendation framework on mobicontext” I the international journal of advanced networking and applications (IJANA) ISSN:0975-0283 held during 2016.