
Publications of Dr. Dharani T

  • Published a paper entitled, “A Survey on Content Based Image Retrieval” in the IEEE International Conference on,“Pattern Recognition, Informatics and Mobile Engineering” Periyar University, on February 2013 . (Scopus Indexed).
  • Published a paper entitled, “Diverse Image Investigation using image metrics for Content Based Image Retrievalsystem”, IEEE Xplore, Volume-2, Pages: 1 -8, August 2016. (Scopus Indexed).
  • Published a paper entitled, “An Essential Image Augmentation Processes for Pattern Based Image Retrieval System”,Elsevier’s SSRN eLibrary – Journal of Information Systems & eBusiness Network – ISSN: 1556-5068, December2017. (UGC Approved Journal).
  • Published a paper entitled, “Three Levels of Feature Extraction from Multi Domain Images” International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR), ISSN 2277-8616, Volume-8, Issue-11, Pages: 761 – 766, November 2019.(Scopus Index).
  • Published a paper entitled, “An Automatic Image Registration Methods for Multi-Domain Images by using GeometricRelationships” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278 -3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, Pages: 4053-4059, November, 2019. (Scopus Index).