
Publications of Dr. M N Shankar

International Journal

  1. M.N Shankar, Soma V. Setty, Uma Maheswar Goud “Effect of cryogenic treatment on hardness and tensile strength of Al-Mg-Si alloy. Aa 6XXXX”. International journal of mechanical and material science research. Volume 2,number 2(2012),pp.83-89

International Conference

  1. M.N Shankar, Soma V. Setty, Uma Maheswar Goud “cryogenic treatment of Al-Mg-Si alloy”. International conference on cryogenic treatment at anchorage, Alaske, USA
    National Conference

National Conference

  1. M.N Shankar, Soma V. Setty, uma maheswar goud “ cryogenic treatment of Al-Mg-Si alloy” (2011) , national conference at acharaya institute of technology , Bangalore

  2. M.N Shankar, Soma V. Setty, Uma Maheswar Goud “ Impact strength and wear resistance of Al-Mg-Si alloy subjected to deep cryogenic treatment”. National conference on recent trends and emerging techniques in engineering at Sri Krishna institute of Technology, Bangalore.

  3. M.N Shankar, Dr. Sriram reddy, Soma V Setty, Uma Maheswar Goud, “Hardness Test on cryogenically treated carbon tip”, National Conference on New trends in Mechanical Engineering at HKBK college of Engineering, Bangalore.