
Publications of Dr. P. Bhuvaneswari

International Journals:

    1. Published a paper titled on “Efficient computation of 12 bit Pipelined ADC using 180 nm C-MOS technology” at International Journal of VLSI Design on Jul-Dec 2010.

    2. Published a paper titled on “Edge Detection Techniques in Digital and Optical Image Processing”at International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol 4,Issue 5, May 2014

    3. Published a paper titled on “Various Shape Detectors in image Processing-A Review”at International Journal of Science and Research,Vol 4,Issue 3, March2015

    4. Published a paper titled on “Various Techniques of Fractal Image Compression-A Review”at International Journal of Engineering and computer Science,Vol 4,Issue 3, March 2015

    5. Published a paper titled on “Content based medical image retrie using Artificial Neural Network”at International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering,Vol 1,Issue 11, May 2015.

    6. Published a paper titled on “Optimization of fractal compression using Genetic Algorithm”at International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and Technology Applications,Vol 2,Issue 5, May 2015

    7. Published a paper titled on “Design and Development of low cost, compact, high frequency microwave signal source” at ITSI Transaction on Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Vol 3,Issue 3, 2015 .

    8. Published a paper titled on ” Upgradation of Control panel of Air leakage detector of PDM pump from relay to PLC Siemens S7-200″at International Journal of Electrical,Electronicsand Computer Systems,Vol 3,Issue 9, 2015

    9. Published a paper titled on ” Detection of Cancer in Lung With K-NN Classification Using Genetic Algorithm” at Procedia Materials Science (2015), pp. 433-440 ,Elsevier publications

    10. Published a paper titled on “A simple tool for establishing cardiothoracic ratio in chest radiographs with help of zernike moment algorithm” Journal of advanced research for dynamic and control systems, Vol 9,Sp-14/2017

    11. Published a paper titled on ” Health Monitoring and Secured Data Management using IOT” at IJARIIE, Vol 2. Issue 5. pp.1111-1115. 2017

    12. Published a paper entitled “Hybrid Algorithm for twin image removal in optical scanning holography “International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology ,Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2020.10010579

    13. Published a paper titled on “Health Monitoring System of Cattle sand Electronic Milk Testing Equipment” at Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches , ISSN 2348-8034, pp.640-644, 2019

International Conference:

    1. Presented a paper titled on “Detection of Cancer in Lung with K-NN Classifications using Genetic Algorithm” at Two Days International Conference,VCE,Hyderabad on “Nanomaterials and Technologies CNT-201 on 17 th &18th October 2014

    2. Presented a paper titled on “A Survey on Synchronous Image Registration & Fusion in Remote Sensing Satellite Images using Various Methods” at RRCE Two Days International Conference on Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT-2016) ” on 20 th & 21 st May 2016.

    3. Presented a paper titled on “E -Car Security System Using Dynamic Generation of Random Security Codes” at RRCE, Two Days International Conference on Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT-2016) ” on 20 th & 21 st May 2016

    4. Presented a paper titled on ” Multi Model Image Registration and Fusion using Fast Discrete Contourlet Transform” at RRCE, Two Days International Conference on Innovations in Computing & Networking (ICICN2016) 12th& 13th May 2016 ,Bangalore,

National Conference:

    1. Presented a paper titled on “Optical Scanning Holography and its Reconstruction Techniques – A Review” at Two Days National Conference, RRCE Bangalore on “Advanced Communication Trends “on 23rd &24th August 2012

    2. Presented a paper titled on “Intelligent Adaptive Image Recognition & Information Retrieval using Neural Networks” at 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, GCE Thrissur, Kerala on 13th – 15th June 2013.

    3. Presented a paper titled on “Fusion of Digital Image Compression, Tampering & Authentication with position localization” at 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, GCE Thrissur, Kerala on 13th – 15th June 2013.

    4. Presented a paper titled on “Platform Independent Analysis of Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptosystems” at One Day National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology, GMIT ,Mandya,Karnataka on 28th March 2014.

    5. Presented a paper titled on “Lung Cancer Detection Using Genetic Algorithm with K-NN Classification” at Two Days National Conference on Wireless Control &Communication Technologies,Dr.AIT,Bangalore, Karnataka on 24th – 25th April 2014.

    6. Presented a paper titled on “GSM Based E-Money Technology|” at One day National Conference on VLSI, Signal Processing, Communication & Soft Computing on 8th May 2014 SKIT,Bangalore.

    7. Presented a paper titled on ” Upgradation of Control panel of Air leakage detector of PDM pump from relay to PLC Siemens S7-200 ” at Two days National Conference on VLSI, Communication & Signal Processing on 11th&12th May 2015 ,RRCE,Bangalore

    8. Presented a paper titled on ” Design and Development of low cost, compact, high frequency microwave signal source|” at Two days National Conference on VLSI, Communication & Signal Processing on 11 th&12 th May 2015 ,RRCE,Bangalore