Publications of Dr. Rangaiah L
International Journals & Conferences
L.Rangaiah, Dr K. Srinivasa Rao, T Srinivasa Murthy “Safety standards for Non-ionizing radiations from Wireless and microwave systems”, International Conference on Recent trends in Computing & Communications, FACT-2009, VIT, Chennai.
L.Rangaiah, Dr K. Srinivasa Rao, N V M Krishna, S Rajendra Prasad, “Conceptual and Optimization problems in wireless Ad-hoc sensor networks”. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technology (IJEECT), Vol:1, Issue:1, Dec, 2010 PP: 52-57.
S. Rajendra Prasad, B K Madhavi, K. Lal Kishore, L. Rangaiah “Reduction of Delay and Cross Talk using Buffer Insertion Method” International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technology (IJEECT), Vol:1, Issue:2, April, 2011 PP: 34-40.
L. Rangaiah, K Deepika, D. Deepthi. “Intelligent transportation system using CDMA Technology”, AICTE & DRDO sponsored National conference on Signal Processing & Embedded systems Applications(SPESA-2011), CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad on 8th – 10th July, 2011.
L. Rangaiah, Dr K. Srinivasa Rao, V. Thrimurthulu “Reduction of Co-Channel Interference in Cellular systems”, published by International Journal of Science and Technology(IJST), Vol:1, Issue:1, Nov, 2011 PP: 45-49. Nov, 2011.
L Rangaiah Dr K Srinivasa Rao “Time and Carrier Frequency offset in OFDM Systems using Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation without additional pilots” International Journal of Science and Technology(IJST), Vol: 1, Issue: 2, Dec, 2011, PP: 49-56.
L Rangaiah Dr K Srinivasa Rao “Protocol routing in ad-hoc sensor networks” BVICAM’s International Journal of Information Technology (BIJIT), New Delhi, Vol:2, Issue:1, Feb, 2012 PP: 13-22.
L Rangaiah K Srinivasa Rao Anil Kumar “Analysis of data rate, packet error probability and delay bound in link layer and physical layer” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communication and Information Technologies, published by ELSEVIER, Dec, 2012 .
L Rangaiah, P Prasanth Babu, D Maruthi Kumar “Comparison and improvement of Image Compression using DCT,DWT &Huffman encoding techniques” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology (IJECET), Vol:4, Issue: 1, Feb, 2013 PP: 54-60
K. MD. Saifuddin, L. Rangaiah “Design of modules to implement a structure by using RQ code for video coding testing applications” International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(ICEECS), June,2013.
L. Rangaiah, D. Sreekanth Reddy “ Design of modified DA concept on FPGA for FIR Filter” International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(ICEECS), July,2013.
C. Saroja, L. Rangaiah “FPGA architecture optimization using redundant adders” International Journal of Advances in Applied Science and Engineering (IJAEAS), Vol: 1, Issue:3, June, 2014 Pg. No: 103-108.
D. Maruthi Kumar, L Rangaiah, P Prasanth Babu “Implementation of Discrete Tchebichef Transform for Image Compression” International conference on Emerging trends in Science Technology Engineering and Management held on 9th & 10th October, 2015
Naveen kumar MS, L Rangaiah “A Heuristic approach for a Network coding based Routing in Wireless mesh networks using connected Dominating set” 2nd International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technologies(ICPCIT-2016) held on 20th -21st May, 2016. Volume-II, pp44-48.
L Rangaiah, K. Srinivasa Rao, S Rajendra Prasad “Performance Evaluation of SRAM CELL Sense Amplifiers” Indian Jurnal of Science and Technolgy (Indjst.rg) paper accepted.
Jagadeesha K, Karankumar GM, Raghunath N, Ramaradhya N, L Rangaiah “Solar power generation using MPPT” International journal of Advance research and Innovative ideas in Education, Conference proceedings Vol – 2, Issue – 5, 2017 PP221-225