
Publications of Dr.Sumitha Manoj

National Journals:

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj “A Novel Approach on IoT based Closed Loop Automation Technique for Modern and Green M anufacturing System” Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) Volume-11, Issue-3,March 2021 PP.

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj , D“Prioritization Of Green And Supply Chain Risks Using Order Of Magnitude Analytic Hierarchy Process.”Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) VOL 11 JAN:2021 ISSUE 1 ISSN: 1904-4720 (PRINT) ISSN: 2245-4586 (ONLINE)

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj “Prediction and Identification of Cancer and Normal Genes Through Wavelet Transform Technique”, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, (IJPHRD) – Vol. 10, 2019, August 2019 pp. 631-637 (Scopus) DOI Number: 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01957.0

International Conference/Workshop:

International Journal:

    • Dr. Sumitha Manoj,” Investigation of Duty Cycle Distortion in Clock Channels with Infinisim Clockedge Technology”“international Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology” IJETT April Volume 70 Issue 4, 457-464.

    • Dr. Sumitha Manoj,” A Proposed Modern Manufacturing Technique by Using Raspberry Pi based on microcontroller system “international Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology” IJETT May 2021; Volume 69, issue 5 257-261.

    • Dr. Sumitha Manoj, Rahul S D, Vikas R Y, Vikas R Y, Abhishek B S.” Automatic accident detection and rescue system Doi:10.31838/jcr.07.14.378 Journal of Critical Reviews JCR. 2020; 7(14): 1844-1849

    • Dr. Sumitha Manoj, Anusha S Gowda, Chaitra S, Likitha Y. “Haze Removal System Using Image Processing “Doi: 10.31838/jcr.07.14.381 JCR. 2020; 7(14): 1861-1867

    • Dr. SUMITHA MANOJ, 2 BALASUBRAMANIAN.D, 3DEEPIKA.G, 4NISHIGANDHA.JS Spy Robot Controlled by DTMF along with metal Detection and Obstacle Detection” Vol 08 Issue06, Jun 2019 ISSN 2456 – 5083 international journals for innovative engineering and management research.

    • SumithaManoj, Anusha.R, DeepakRaj, Deepak.N.V, Lakshmi.E “Forgery detection by biometric images using SVM classifiers” International journal of engineering research and technology (IJERT)Special issue 2018 ISSN: 2278-0181 Published by, NCESC – 2018 Conference Proceedings.

    • SumithaManoj , Chandana, Deepashree Hemavathi K.G “Electronic Valve System with Quantitative Control “International Journal of Advanced Research and Innovative Ideas in Eduction.(IJARIIE) Vol-2Issue-5 2017 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396.

    • SumithaManoj,Dr.H.N.Suresh Hybrid Invariant Local Feature Extraction for Medical Image Registration”. International Journal of Innovative Science,Engineering & Technology (IJISET), Vol. 4 Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN (Online) 2348– 7968 | Impact Factor (2016) –5.264”

    • SumithaManoj Dr.H.N.Suresh A Novel method for Hybrid BAT-PSO Optimization for Image Registration”. Thomson Reuters Researcher ID indexed Journal , Researcher ID: P-8165-2015.” International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET).

    • SumithaManoj,Dr.H.N.Suresh “Medical Image Analysis And New Image Registration Technique Using Mutual Information And Optimization
      Technique”.International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2014, ISSN: 2277-3754 , ISO 9001:2008 Certified.

    • SumithaManoj, Dr.H.N.Suresh ”Stride For Developing A New Image Registration Technique Using Mutual Information And Optimization
      Technique.”International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering(IJECCE).Volume 5, Issue 1, ISSN (Online):
      2249–071X, ISSN(Print):2278–42092014.

Important Responsibilities Held in the College:

    • Website Co-ordinator

    • CTDS Department co-ordinator

    • Internship co-ordinator

    • Mentor

    • Newsletter co-ordinator

    • Departmental Library incharge

Books Published:

    • Dr. SumithaManoj Book titled” Image Registration Techniques using Mutual Information” Project ID 206608 Books ISBN(978-620-2-52510-7).

    • Dr. SumithaManoj Book titled” Haze Removal using Image Processing” Project ID 206608 Books ISBN (978-620-2-52510-7). Project ID:
      #217578 ISBN-13:978-620-3-84022-3ISBN-10:620384022X EAN:9786203840223


    • Dr.Sumithamanoj IPCM – “Movable Satellite Intelligent Propagation Impairments for Movable Satellite Communication Links at the Microwave Frequencies In Location”. Australian Patent Application No: 2020102827, Application Dated:17/10/2020.

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj “Smart Air Purifier with IoT enabled technology” Application No: 202241007243 DATE OF FILING 10/02/2022 PUBLICATION DATE (U/S 11A) 18/02/2022

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj Comparators with Power Gates for 3-bit Flash ADC ConversionApplication No: 202241021332 DATE OF FILING 09/04/2022
      PUBLICATION DATE (U/S 11A) 22/04/2022

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj NOVEL METHOD FOR MAGNET ELECTRICITY GENERATORApplication No: 202141026242 DATE OF FILING 12/06/2021
      PUBLICATION DATE (U/S 11A) 25/06/2021

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj Intelligent- SIM: Multiple Company Mobile Number Installed in Single SIM (Single Sim, Multiple Networks. Application No: 202141051542 DATE OF FILING 10/11/2021 PUBLICATION DATE (U/S 11A) 10/12/2021

    • Dr.Sumithamanoj Big Data and Cloud Bursting Real- Time Intelligent scheduling using Machine Learning. Application No: 202141052902 DATE OF FILING 17/11/2021 PUBLICATION DATE (U/S 11A) 10/12/2021