
Publications of J.Rajalekshmi

    1. Published a paper on “Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for hand written Digit Recognition” in IRJET, Vol.6, Issue 5, May 2019 S.No: 615

    2. Published a paper on “Privacy Preserved Public Examining System for Information sharing in cloud” in IJSDR, Vol.3, Issue 5, May 2018 ISSN:2445-2631

    3. Presented a paper on “IoT framework for SmartHome using Cloud computing” in International Conference, ICCSTAR, City Engineering College, 2016

    4. Published the paper on “IoT framework for SmartHome using Cloud computing” in International Journal, IJCEA, Special Issue, May 2016.

    5. Exhibited the project, “IoT framework for SmartHome using Cloud computing” in International Conference, ICACT, AMC College of Engineering, 2016

    6. J.Rajalekshmi, Dr. Sivasankari. G.G, “IoT framework for Smart Home using Cloud Computing via Open Source Mobile Platform”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, ICCSTAR-2016, Special Issue, May.16