
Publications of Krishna Prasath S

International Journal

  1. S.Krishna prasath and Mrs.R.Sridevi “Reversal the Power Flow in the Looped Electrical Network by Using a Cascaded H-bridge D-SSSC” International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE) ISSN 2278-3091, Vol.2 , No.2,Pages : 216- 221, [Feb 2013].

National Conference:

  1. Geetha S, Divya M P,Poojitha K, Priyanka H,Prof.S.Krishna Prasath and Prof Soumya.M, ” Electronic voting Machine with Centralized Backup Protection against attacks of Vested Groups” presented in National Conference on Advanced techniques in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NCATEE -15, 9th May 2015 at SJBIT,Bangalore.