
Publications of Priyanka Padki

    1. Presented paper titled “Multilevel security and data privacy in cloud ecosystem using composite cryptographic system” at ICTRCET-18,IEEE conference in May 2018, held at Rajarajeswari college of engineering, Bangalore, published in Global journal of Engineering Science and Researches

    2. Presented paper titled “A survey of AI techniques used in intrusion detection system” at ICTRCET-18,IEEE conference in May 2018, held at Rajarajeswari college of engineering, Bangalore , published in Global journal of Engineering Science and Researches

    3. Presented a paper titled “Smart contract for bidding system using block chain technology” at New Horizon College of Engineering and the paper will be published in IJSIET july edition

    4. Paper titled Node utilization and multiple to dual tree multicast routing protocol in 2014 at International Journal of Science and Research Technology(IJSRT),April 2014 edition

    5. Manet routing – An overview of existing protocols in 2014 at National Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science, DBIT, Bangalore

    6. Paper titled Secure data aggregation in wireless sensor networks resisting corrupt data aggregators in 2013 on recent trends in CSE at SJBIT,Bangalore

    7. Paper titled Robotic Maneuver via image processing and noise reduced isolated word recognition system in 2012 on Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems by CSI at MVJCE,Bangalore