
Publications of Vandana B

    1. Presented a paper entitled “Autonomous Garbage Collection System using IoT” in International Conference held at New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, May 2019.

    2. Published a paper entitled “A Review on DNA Based Cryptographic Techniques” in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) online ISSN No 2319-7064 Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2014.

    3. Published a paper entitled “A Static Mosacing on Ragged Documents” in International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER) ISSN No: 2250-3536 Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2012 Page No 59-64.

    4. Presented a paper entitled “Weighted Item Set Mining from Big data using Hadoop” in IstInternational Conference on Innovations in Computing and Networking – ICICN-16 at Rajarajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore during 12th– 13th May 2016.

    5. Presented a paper entitled “ANovel method for Data Leak Detection in semi honest environment ” in National Conference on recent trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering – NCREC-16 held at Sri Krishna Institute of Technology, Bangalore during 5thMay 2016.

    6. Presented a paper entitled “Survey on Green Cloud Computing Systems and Security Issues” in International Conference on Technology Management for Green Environment – ICTMGE held at Visvesvaraya Technological University Regional Center Mysore during 19th to 21stSeptember 2013.

    7. Presented a paper entitled “Classification of Indoor-Outdoor Scenes based on Edge Analysis” in National conference on Advanced IT, Engineering and Management [SACAIM 2012]organized by IT Department of AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Mangalore in association with CSI-AIMIT Branch on 6th, 7th September 2012.

    8. Presented a paper entitled “Survey on Cloud Computing Systems and Security Issues” at International Conference on Convergence of Science, Engineering and Management in Education and Research a Global Perspective II Edition held at Dayananda Sagar Institutions Bangalore on 26th& 27th September 2013.

    9. Presented a paper entitled “Cluster Routing Approach in Delay Tolerant Mobile Network- a Survey” in the National Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science & Technology held at RRCE, Bangalore on 14th& 15th Feb 2012

    10. Presented a paper entitled “A Static Moscaing on Ragged Documents” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology NCET-Tech-2012 held at Nagarjuna College of Engineering, Bangalore on 26th& 27th April 2012.